Thursday, August 17, 2006

My new favorite Federal Judge!

Yay! A federal court today declared Bush's warrentless wiretapping program unconstitutional. To quote her, she said the program "has undisputedly been implemented without regard to [the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] ... and obviously in violation of the Fourth Amendment."

Further, she herself quoted the late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Earl Warren by saying, "Implicit in the term 'national defense' is the notion of defending those values and ideas which set this nation apart ... It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of ... those liberties ... which make the defense of the nation worthwhile."


[Thanks again to's War Room!]

Politics - K Street Slowly Shifting Towards Dems

I think there's a saying about cockroaches... something about how if you see them all running in a certain direction, you'd better follow cause it's likely a disaster's about to happen. I just read an article on's War Room that reminds me of this.

Basically, K street lobbying firms are starting to hire more well-connected Democrats. Not only that, but many Republican staffers are starting to look for moves to lobbying jobs, themselves. These moves are a good indication that Washington's expecting a shift of power from the GOP to the Dems.

Where go the cockroaches.... so goes the election....?

Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006

Wisconsin's the most average state! Yay!

So in case you hadn't heard, CNN's reported that Wisconsin is the most average state in the Union. Basically, using a set of 12 key statistics (housing costs, education level, etc), Wisconsin site right smack in the center of the 50 states, and thus can be thought of as the most average state in the country. That's pretty interesting.... especially to this former Wisconsinite.

Furthermore,'s reporting that Wisconsin is encountering dueling wedge issues this fall. The GOP is trying to draw out conservatives to vote in November by using an anti-gay-marriage amendment. The wording is apparently backfiring on them, since it's also anti-civil-union, and anti-domestic-partner, etc. Not only that, but the issue of funding stem cell research seems to be drawing out more people on the left than the gay marriage thing is drawing on the right. So it looks like the Dems have a culture battle they're inherently stronger at... good news for November...!

And if the most-average-state thing is true, then perhaps that means that the US in general is sick of the gay marriage distractions, and is ready to focus on issues that actually have a meaning... like stem cell research.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Politics -- Blunt Determined to Destroy the World

Still looking for reasons to vote against the GOP this fall? Try this one, from


Blunt vows a freeze on global warming fight

As much of the country continued to fry under triple-digit temperatures Wednesday, including citizens of the Midwest, one prominent Missourian dropped some icy attitude on the issue of global warming. Citing the publication Energy and Environment Daily, Judd Legum of Think Progress shares the bright news that House Majority Whip Roy Blunt has vowed to put a stop to any action on global warming for the entire 110th Congress if Republicans remain in control after the November elections. “I think the information is not adequate yet for us to do anything meaningful,” Blunt said. Legum reminds him that "thousands of scientists have agreed that global warming is real, humans are responsible for much of it and, unless steps are taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there will be extremely serious consequences."
-- Mark Follman