Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lieberman is a Giant Douchebag

I just want to take a moment to point out that Joe Lieberman is a giant douchebag.

The man lost his party's primary nomination, so what did he do? He left the Democratic party and ran for Senate under his own new party, arrogantly titled "Connecticut for Lieberman". Now he's won the seat as an independent, but will he suffer any consequences for turning his back on his party? Not likely.

Instead, because of the delicate balance in the Senate, the Democrats will need Lieberman on their side. This means they'll likely let him retain his seniority, including his chairmanships of various committes, despite the fact that he spit on the party's own processes, and even abandoned using the party's name. So Lieberman gets to have his cake and eat it, too.

Ergo, Lieberman is a giant douchebag.

There are rumors that Rumsfeld will step down today, and that Bush will nominate Lieberman as the new Secretary of Defense. If that happens, the Republican governor of Connecticut will be empowered to appoint a replacement to the Senate for the next 6 years. That would mean that regardless of the results of the Virginia and Montana Senate races, the Republicans would hold onto the Senate. So keep alert the next few days... Lieberman may soon be doubling-down his betrayal of the Democratic party.