Friday, September 29, 2006

Why politicians run negative ads

I heard something this morning on NPR's Forum that was verrrrrrry interesting. The guests were discussing political ads, and specifically why negative ads are effective. I've known for years (at least anecdotally) that they're effective, but I personally had always thought that the reason was because they convinced people to vote for the candidate attacking vs. the candidate being attacked.

It turns out that the reason is a bit more insidious. Negative attack ads are run because they actually *discourage* people from voting. The point is not to convince people that the attacker is a better candidate, it's to depress people from even showing up to support the guy who's being attacked.

Isn't that insane? More and more I think the US should mandate voting, and provide absentee ballots to anyone who wants them. If we had such a system, it would remove the apparent incentive to run negative ads, and maybe help raise the overall quality of political discourse. Yarrr.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Iraqi people back attacks on US troops

Well... this is disheartening. Apparently, a recent poll in Iraq shows that the Iraqi people support the withdrawal of US troops, and in fact support the existing *attacks* on US troops. From Yahoo! News (
  • "About 61 percent approved of the attacks — up from 47 percent in January."
  • "Almost four in five Iraqis say the U.S. military force in Iraq provokes more violence than it prevents."
  • "Three-fourths say they think the United States plans to keep military bases in Iraq permanently." <-- I'm in that 3/4.
Pretty awesome. If the people support the attacks, then there is NO WAY we can "win". The only way to fight a guerrila war (when you're the occupier) is to win the support of the people amongst which said guerillas are hiding. If the people are voluntarily providing support to the guerrilas... then the occupier is f*cked. The guerillas can hide anywhere and have an effectively limitless supply chain. No amount of money in the world can combat that.

But I'm sure Rummy and Bush will have some way to spin this. Can't wait to see how... it's always a lesson in Orwellian insanity when either of those 2 speak.

More Americans Left Uninsured

This is pulled from an internal Accenture memo from the Health & Life Sciences practice. I can't attribute it any more than that, so if anyone wants to challenge my posting of this, please do so. It's really just a regurgitation of stats which themselves aren't attributed. However, I trust that they're correct. And it's irritating that they are. :(


The ranks of Americans without medical coverage grew by 1.3 million people last year, the Census Bureau reported. The increase lifted the number of uninsured Americans to a record 46.6 million or 15.9 percent of the total population. By comparison, five years earlier, 38.7 million people were uninsured, or 14 percent of the population. It's increasingly a middle-class problem. In households with incomes of $50,000 a year or more, 17 million people had no insurance last year, up 1.5 million from 2004. In contrast, more low-income people received coverage from public programs.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

National Intelligence Estimate - Iraq's made us Less Safe

So... the latest NIE was classified by the Bush Administration. But recent leaks have shown that one of its conclusions was that the war in Iraq has actually strengthened global terrorism.

Uhhh.... durrrrr. You mean an unjustified war against a Muslim nation that's led to complete social chaos for tens of millions and has destabilized the entire Middle East has somehow caused people in the region to further radicalize?! omg! stop the presses!!!

Seriously... this is no shock to anyone who's been paying attention (naturally not you, Fox News watchers). People have been saying for years now that Iraq -- which had never had a significant terror cell operating within its borders before the invasion -- is now a primary training ground for thousands upon thousands of terrorists.

So the NIE contains no real suprises... the difference now is that it's Bush's own people saying this. So here's hoping this actually makes a difference in this fall's elections.

Northwestern Researchers Look for Gay Gene

This is interesting.... Some researchers at Northwestern University (yay Illinois!) are soliciting DNA from 1000 pairs of brothers where one of the 2 is gay. They're looking for evidence of a genetic root for homosexuality.

The Chicago Sun-Times has the full article here:,CST-NWS-gaygene26.article

What struck me the most was the supposition casually mentioned in the article that current thinking is that homosexuality is 40% genetic and 60% environmental. I've always wondered what the causes are (for obvious selfish reasons), but to be honest any answer is scary. Ultimately, if we can determine a cause... does that mean that we could determine a "cure"? And if there was a cure (setting aside the tangle of moral dilemmas entailed)... what would that mean for our society? At the least, the world would be a much less fabulous (and interesting) place. :(

Friday, September 22, 2006

Trading a feel-up for tech support

OK, this is just way too hilarious. I don't know how this guy could think that what he's asking would *not* seem creepy. How do you bring this up after you finishing fixing the PC?
"Well.... all done here... now, how about them boobs?" I mean, seriously. I think it's hilarious that he posted this, but I really can't imagine anyone seriously taking him up on it. Oh well... he gets a few pts for moxie.

Anyways, it was forwarded from a friend, and is now posted here:


I'll Fix Your Computer if You Let Me Feel Your Boobs - 26 (haight ashbury)

Cute/nice IT guy/PC specialist will fix your computer in exchange for a gentle feel of your boobs. I'm a totally non-creepy (really) professional who will repair your hard drive, back up files, install software and peripherals, whatever, for an innocent grope. I have a lot of tech knowledge in my life and regrettably no boobs. Serious inquiries only and thanks.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

RIP Ann Richards

Ann Richards died at home last night at the age of 73, after fighting esophageal cancer.

She was one of my personal political heroes... she was so outspoken and honest, and hearing her speak was both inspirational and fun. She was a staunch champion of women and minorities; she represented the best of what Democrats have to offer. She was also one of the first casualties of the lie- and destruction-based campaigning of Bush-Rove, when she lost the Texas governorship to Bush in 1994.

I had always hoped she'd make a political comeback in the future, perhaps as one of Texas' senators. But alas, that wasn't meant to be. :( I expect that she's looking down on us right now, trying to figure out how to make things better for America from up there in heaven.

We'll miss you, Ann.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Best online magazine ever!!

I mean... it's informative, well-written, and it's about burritos. No other online magazine can stand up to that holy trinity of literary goodness. Game over, man. Game over.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

omgz, is it Friday yet?!

Bush goes bush-crazy, normal-sane

Well, who knew. According to the 2 "breaking news" alerts in my inbox from CNN...

"-- ABC News: President Bush to announce that detainees held at secret CIA prisons, including alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be transferred to the Department of Defense and granted protection under the Geneva Conventions."

"-- President Bush today acknowledged that U.S. authorities have held suspected terrorists in secret CIA prisons around the world and said information obtained from them "has saved innocent lives.""

Wow... what's the world coming to?!?! You'd almost think he and his party's poll numbers were in the toilet, and there was an election in 2 months!!