Thursday, September 28, 2006

Iraqi people back attacks on US troops

Well... this is disheartening. Apparently, a recent poll in Iraq shows that the Iraqi people support the withdrawal of US troops, and in fact support the existing *attacks* on US troops. From Yahoo! News (
  • "About 61 percent approved of the attacks — up from 47 percent in January."
  • "Almost four in five Iraqis say the U.S. military force in Iraq provokes more violence than it prevents."
  • "Three-fourths say they think the United States plans to keep military bases in Iraq permanently." <-- I'm in that 3/4.
Pretty awesome. If the people support the attacks, then there is NO WAY we can "win". The only way to fight a guerrila war (when you're the occupier) is to win the support of the people amongst which said guerillas are hiding. If the people are voluntarily providing support to the guerrilas... then the occupier is f*cked. The guerillas can hide anywhere and have an effectively limitless supply chain. No amount of money in the world can combat that.

But I'm sure Rummy and Bush will have some way to spin this. Can't wait to see how... it's always a lesson in Orwellian insanity when either of those 2 speak.

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