Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Cute Overload

I'm not sure why I haven't been sharing these before... has some of the cutest freaking animal pictures I've ever seen. So prepare yourself... you're about to get blasted with cuteness. Though... the ones I find cute might be a departure from your own cuteness standards. =D

First off, though... I want to share the following pic. This thing has been cracking my shit up all week... I've even got it as my desktop image right now. Everyone I've shown it to has at least feigned laughter, so I ask that you have the courtesy to do the same (well, the CIO guy didn't... but he seemed pretty humorless and pissy in general so fuck him).

Here are some additional pics... first up, a rat drinking some two-buck chuck. I love rats!!!

Next, a bird and a kitteh making friends. awwww.

Next, some deer trying to convince a cat to let them into the house and out of the snow.

And last, both for me (cause I love squirrels) and for Gretch (cause she hates them), here's a squirrel havin some Mr. Pibb at some guy's desk at work. =D


Gretchen said...

aghhh...squirrels at work! The nightmare expands...I thought I only had to avoid them at home.

Graeme said...

Look at its beady little eyes, Gretchen... it's plotting your DOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!