Monday, April 28, 2008

American Idol Final 6 - WTF!!!!!!!


How in god's name did Syesha and Carly end up in the bottom two?! Their performances were easily the 2 strongest of the night (followed by the Davids). I love Brooke to death, but she and Jason should have been in the bottom 2, and Jason should have been eliminated. What total BULLSHIT that Carly was booted.

I LOVE YOU CARLY!!!!!! Come to SF and sing for us. I'll pay to see you in a heartbeat!!!!!

OK yes, I'm a week behind. But I'm all caught up now on Idol from Tivo.... god bless you Tivo.

Anyways.... F YOU AMERICA. hahahaha. kidding. I guess I need to watch Idol live on Tuesday and vote this week to keep my faves in place. :(

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