Thursday, May 22, 2008

Gay Cologne Commercial

Weird... YouTube didn't post my text like it usually does. Anyways, here it is:

This is more or less gratuitous, but the guys are hot and it's another example of what marketing and advertising *should* look like, at least in my worldview. ;) You could just picture replacing the model with a woman, and then you'd have the standard fare.

American Airlines to charge $15 for first checked bag

It's a sign of the times. AA is no longer letting you check your bags for free, due to the insane cost of oil right now ($133/barrel!!!). Their costs this quarter rose over $660 million, or ~40%, vs. a 5% increase in revenue. So clearly their business can't survive without dropping costs (cutting routes and jobs) and raising revenue (slapping fees on you if you even so much as look at a AA employee).

To be honest, this is exactly what has to happen. It sucks, yes, but as a global society we've spent over a century isolated from the true costs of our actions; only now are those costs starting to get accounted for. Cheap and easy air travel is deadly for the environment. Try a carbon calculator somewhere and see for yourself... up your annual air travel and your carbon footprint skyrockets.

So the point is that air travel is a luxury, but for the last decade or more we haven't thought of it as such because costs have been externalized to the airlines and thus prices have been so low. And now prices are rising and fees are appearing out of the blue, and even though it totally sucks, that's more or less just the way it's got to be. :/ We'll all have to change our travel habits and make our trips much less frequent. Alas. Perhaps GE will develop some new electric turbine engine powered by on-board fuel cells or somesuch, and fuel costs will plummet. Until then, frivolous travel is likely off the table for us all.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Xenophobic Violence in South Africa

Man, this is all too familiar. A wave of xenophobia is sweeping the poorer parts of South Africa, where unemployment tops 20%. Immigrants from Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Malawi, and more are being targeted, their shops and homes burned, and at least 7 have been killed. I remember when I was in Jo-burg the nasty comments that were made about people from Mozambique. It was reminiscent of the kinds of things an urban Californian would say about people from, say, West Virginia. Ignorant, mean comments. But I didn't know it was this bad.

It's morbidly funny to ready what the perpetrators are saying about their victims. Sounds exactly like every other xenophobe everywhere else in the world, be he a rich white Arizonan or a dirt poor South African. Crazy how we're all alike.

"A familiar litany of complaints against foreigners are passionately,
if not always rationally, argued: They commit crimes. They undercut
wages. They hold jobs that others deserve.

George Booysen said
that as a born-again Christian he did not believe in killing. Still,
something had to be done about these unwanted immigrants.

They are bad people, he said: “A South African may take your cellphone, but he won’t kill you. A foreigner will take your phone and kill you.”"

Saturday, May 17, 2008

MTV skateboard commercial

This was really well done... a great way to package this message...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Gays can marry in California! Holy Shit!!

Check this out from the SF Gate... The gist is that in 30 days gays can marry in California. But there's a likely constitutional amendment on the ballot this November that would annul that. Fucking idiots supporting that... so ass-backwards with their logic. Gays in committed relationships will destroy families, but Britney Spears' marital and child-abuse antics are cool cause she's straight. Jeez.


Gays and lesbians have a
constitutional right to marry in California, the state Supreme Court
said today in a historic ruling that could be repudiated by the voters
in November.

In a 4-3 decision, the justices said the state's ban on same-sex
marriage violates the "fundamental constitutional right to form a
family relationship." The ruling is likely to flood county courthouses
with applications from couples newly eligible to marry when the
decision takes effect in 30 days.

[Related Story: Tears of joy over ruling]

"The California Constitution properly must be interpreted to
guarantee this basic civil right to all Californians, whether gay or
heterosexual, and to same-sex couples as well as to opposite-sex
couples," Chief Justice Ronald George wrote in the majority opinion.

Allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry "will not deprive
opposite-sex couples of any rights and will not alter the legal
framework of the institution of marriage," George said.

In addition, he said, the current state law discriminates against
same-sex couples on the basis of their sexual orientation -
discrimination that the court, for the first time, put in the same
legal category as racial or gender bias.

The ruling set off a celebration at San Francisco City Hall, where
nearly 4,000 same-sex weddings were performed in 2004 before the state
high court put a halt to the marriages while challenges to the
California law worked their way through the courts. Today's ruling has
no effect on those annulments.

Outside the city clerk's office, three opposite-sex couples were
waiting at 10 a.m. for marriage certificates. City officials had
prepared for a possible rush on certificates by same-sex couples, but
hadn't yet changed the forms that ask couples to fill out the name of
the "bride" and "groom."

City officials say they'll probably be unable to marry the same-sex
couples for another 30 days when the decision fully goes into effect.
But they're making appointments for those weddings now.

Ed Harrington, the general manager of the city's Public Utilities
Commission, has lived with his partner for 35 years. In 2004, he
performed marriage ceremonies for about 40 same-sex couples.

"You wait for this your whole life," said Harrington, who said he
planned to call his partner and say, "I love you. What more do you say
on a day like this?"

He said he didn't know if he would marry, but that "what's important is to be able to (get married) if you want to."

The celebration could turn out to be short-lived, however. The
court's decision could be overturned in November, when Californians are
likely to vote on a state constitutional amendment banning same-sex
marriages. Conservative religious organizations have submitted more
than 1.1 million signatures on initiative petitions, and officials are
working to determine if at least 694,354 of them are valid.

If the measure qualifies for the ballot and voters approve it, it
will supersede today's ruling. The initiative does not say whether it
would apply retroactively to annul marriages performed before November,
an omission that would wind up before the courts.

Liberty Counsel, which represented the group Campaign for California
Families before the court in arguing for the state law, denounced the
ruling and said it would ask the justices to stay its effect until
after the November election.

George was joined in the majority by Justices Joyce Kennard, Kathryn
Mickle Werdegar and Carlos Moreno. Justices Marvin Baxter, Ming Chin
and Carol Corrigan dissented - though Corrigan, writing separately,
said she personally believes "Californians should allow our gay and
lesbian neighbors to call their unions marriages."

Baxter, writing for himself and Chin, accused the court majority of
substituting "by judicial fiat its own social policy views for those
expressed by the people."

Both he and Corrigan noted that California voters reaffirmed the state's ban on same-sex marriage in a 2000 ballot initiative.

The court "does not have the right to erase, then recast, the
age-old definition of marriage, as virtually all societies have
understood it, in order to satisfy its own contemporary notions of
equality and justice," Baxter said.

But George, in a 121-page opinion, said California has already
recognized, in its laws and public policy, that gays and lesbians are
entitled to equal treatment in every legal area except marriage. He
also noted that state laws and traditions banned interracial marriage
until the California Supreme Court, in 1948, became the first court in
the nation to overturn such a law.

"Even the most familiar and generally accepted of social policies
and traditions often mask an unfairness and inequality that frequently
is not recognized or appreciated by those not directly harmed," the
chief justice wrote.

The legal case dates back to February 2004, when San Francisco
Mayor Gavin Newsom ordered the city clerk to start issuing marriage
licenses to couples regardless of their gender, saying he doubted the
constitutionality of the state marriage law.

The state's high court ordered a halt a month later, after the
nearly 4,000 same-sex weddings had been performed at City Hall. The
court annulled the marriages in August 2004, ruling that Newsom lacked
authority to defy the state law. But it did not rule on the validity of
the law itself and said it would await proceedings in lower courts.

Some of the couples immediately sued in Superior Court and were
joined by the city of San Francisco, which said it had a stake in
ensuring equality for its residents. The case that ultimately reached
the state Supreme Court consolidated four suits, one by the city and
three by 23 same-sex couples in San Francisco and Los Angeles.

Superior Court Judge Richard Kramer, ruling in the San Francisco
cases, declared the ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional in March
2005. He said the law violates the "basic human right to marry a person
of one's choice," a right declared by California's high court in the
1948 ruling.

Kramer said the law also constituted sex discrimination - prohibited
by another groundbreaking California Supreme Court ruling in 1971 -
because it is based on the gender of one's partner.

But a state appeals court upheld the law in October 2006, ruling 2-1
that California was entitled to preserve the historic definition of
marriage and that the state's voters and legislators, not the courts,
were best equipped "to define marriage in our democratic society."

The appeals court also said California is not discriminating against
same-sex couples, citing state laws that give registered domestic
partners the same rights as spouses. Those laws provide such rights as
child support and custody, joint property ownership, inheritance and
hospital visitation, and access to divorce court.

But domestic partners are denied marital benefits under federal law,
which means they can't file joint federal tax returns, collect Social
Security survivors' benefits or sponsor one another as immigrants.

The suits before the court relied on the California Constitution,
which state courts have long interpreted as being more protective of
individual rights than the U.S. Constitution. The initiative that
California voters are likely to consider in November would write a ban
on same-sex marriage into the state Constitution, a step already taken
by voters in half the states.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has twice vetoed same-sex marriage bills,
citing the 2000 ballot measure that reaffirmed California's
opposite-sex-only marriage law. That initiative was not a
constitutional amendment.

The governor issued a statement today saying, "I respect the court's
decision and as governor, I will uphold its ruling." He also reiterated
his opposition to the constitutional amendment that is likely to be on
the November ballot.

Suits similar to those that went before the California Supreme
Court have been filed in other states, but only the Massachusetts
Supreme Judicial Court has ruled that the state's constitution gives
gay and lesbian couples the right to marry.

Courts in Vermont and New Jersey have found their states' marriage
laws discriminatory but left the remedy up to state legislatures, which
opted in both cases for civil unions for same-sex couples rather than
marriage. A similar ruling by the Hawaii Supreme Court in 1993 was
overturned by a ballot initiative.

The California case is In re Marriage Cases, S147999. The ruling is available at

Chronicle staff writers Cecilia M. Vega and Heather Knight contributed to this report. E-mail Bob Egelko at

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Labor's started & I'm 2000 miles away :'(

Awwww man... my sister's water broke about 3.5 hrs ago back in Chicago... and I'm still in SF. :( I've known her due date for months, obviously... but I had to book my flight home for next Monday because this weekend is the last residency weekend for this semester of my grad program. I was hoping Jess would hold the baby in till I got home so I could be there for the whole process, but dammit she didn't try hard enough. =P

Anyways... pretty soon I suspect I'll have some pics of BUG that I can post (that's Baby of Unspecified Gender; they don't know if it's a boy or girl!). And for those of you back in Chi, I'll be back for 2.5 wks starting Monday, so I'd love to meet up (Manch/Mark, Sean, Andy/Cindy, Kate/Matt, LK/John, Gretch/Steve, etc etc etc).

So I'm gonna go call Kelly and freak out over the phone to her. It occurred to me that I'm so excited about this pregnancy partly out of brotherly love, and maybe partly because it's possibly the closest I'll get to the same thing? Maybe not, though... my friend Nikki just pointed out that if I wanted a biological kid of my own I "could find a nice young army wife who LOVES being pregnant!" That'd be Kate!!!!! Except she thinks childbirth is unnatural, so I suppose that's not going to work out.

Oh, and I love this comment from my friend Nancy: "Congrats. you're about to be a gay uncle! Those are the best!" Hahaha... and I'll be the best one EVER!!! =)

$100 worth of cheese

So I have a bet with my friend Stefan, and the loser has to buy the winner $100 worth of cheese.

The bet is this: by 12:01am on January 1, 2009, the Sony PS3 will have a larger global install-base than Microsoft's Xbox360. Stefan's convinced that the PS3 will pull ahead, while I think that's total bunk and that it has no chance.

We're tracking progress of both at Current stats:
  • Wii: 25.62 million
  • 360: 18.84 million
  • PS3: 12.52 million

Stefan's argument is that the PS3 is a superior machine, and that as more games become available for it, it will clearly be the better choice of platform. It has a built in Blu-ray player, which is now the de facto standard for next-generation DVDs. And the PS3 has a global reach, whereas the Xbox360 seems unable to penetrate the Japanese market, which is clearly one of the world's largest gaming markets. He also argues that the Xbox360 has likely already peaked since it's been out for 2+ years, while the PS3 is still relatively new.

My argument is basically that the Xbox360 has too great a lead over the PS3 for the PS3 to catch up in the next 8 months. Most gamers interested in a next-gen console have already bought the 360. If they're going to buy a new console, it'll be the Wii first, then maybe the PS3. But the PS3 is expensive, and offers almost the exact same games as the 360. It's a better machine, but not significantly enough for people to invest $500+ in the new system and games. Especially as we enter an economic downturn!

People who are new to the gaming market will again pick up the Wii first, and then *maybe* a PS3 or a 360. But the 360 has a massive advantage due to its social networking aspect. The XboxLive online community is huge, and so new gamers are more likely to experience social pressure to buy a 360 to join their friends online than they are to join their friend's on Sony's network. And Microsoft has spent like 5 years getting that online community "right"... Sony's too new, and has too many kinks to work out yet. So 360 will have a social pressure keeping its sales rising, vs PS3.

And lastly, the PS3 was selling a lot of units initially because it cost roughly the same as a stand-alone Blu-Ray player, so all those folks who wanted a Blu-Ray player were incented to just buy the PS3 for the same price, and get a free gaming system in the process. But Blu-Ray player prices are dropping, and purists aren't going to spend extra money on a gaming system when they can buy a dedicated Blu-Ray player for less!

So in the end... PS3 doesn't stand a chance. Current tallies show that it's about 66% of the 360 right now. That's impressive, but its not going to grow fast enough to catch up to the 360 by year's end. And come January, I'm going to be enjoying some big-ass wheels of Gouda and Muenster. Mmmmm.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Levi's gay commercial

This commercial amazes me... high production value, and clearly gay as the day is long. That's awesome that a company is willing to invest so much money in my people. =D

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Rejected by eHarmony - Still Gay!

Hahahha... FUCK eHarmony. Those discriminatory assholes. =P

Gay Adoption Ad

Hahaha... nice. A reminder of how weird the whole coming out process is. =P

MTV gay commercial

So I just found this whole mass of gay-oriented commercials on YouTube. It's kind of paradigm-shifting... some are sweet, but a lot are exactly the same as other commercials, but with 2 men instead of a man and a woman.

Some day, these will be common on public tv. And gay kids growing up in that environment will lead an adolescence free of the shame and self-loathing that has otherwise been the norm for us GLBTers, to this day.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

TBGSS - Lesbian Phone Sex

And this is another one... but honestly, I think this could double as Presidio Phone Sex, too. Not just because we have a healthy lesbian representation at Presidio (and as of the latest cohort, lots of gay guys too... I'm not a token anymore!), but because the content is so totally hot to us Presidians. ;)

TBGSS - Fitzwilliam's wish

The Big Gay Sketch Show is on LOGO... it's awesome. And this is one of the sketches that cracked my shit up...!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Elephant Painting


I have no idea how to react to this.

I seriously think this video has completely shifted my brain... I don't know how exactly, but if I am EVER disillusioned with this world ever again... I'll pull this up and remind myself how majestic this universe truly is.

Also, I'd pay $5000 for that painting.

Baby Got Book

I tried posting this once before, but it failed. Perhaps that was a sign... and yet here I am reposting it. Be prepared to be shocked and appalled, and yet strangely impressed. =D