Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Labor's started & I'm 2000 miles away :'(

Awwww man... my sister's water broke about 3.5 hrs ago back in Chicago... and I'm still in SF. :( I've known her due date for months, obviously... but I had to book my flight home for next Monday because this weekend is the last residency weekend for this semester of my grad program. I was hoping Jess would hold the baby in till I got home so I could be there for the whole process, but dammit she didn't try hard enough. =P

Anyways... pretty soon I suspect I'll have some pics of BUG that I can post (that's Baby of Unspecified Gender; they don't know if it's a boy or girl!). And for those of you back in Chi, I'll be back for 2.5 wks starting Monday, so I'd love to meet up (Manch/Mark, Sean, Andy/Cindy, Kate/Matt, LK/John, Gretch/Steve, etc etc etc).

So I'm gonna go call Kelly and freak out over the phone to her. It occurred to me that I'm so excited about this pregnancy partly out of brotherly love, and maybe partly because it's possibly the closest I'll get to the same thing? Maybe not, though... my friend Nikki just pointed out that if I wanted a biological kid of my own I "could find a nice young army wife who LOVES being pregnant!" That'd be Kate!!!!! Except she thinks childbirth is unnatural, so I suppose that's not going to work out.

Oh, and I love this comment from my friend Nancy: "Congrats. you're about to be a gay uncle! Those are the best!" Hahaha... and I'll be the best one EVER!!! =)

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