Wednesday, January 28, 2009


So for those of you know me, you'll appreciate how insane this is.

This morning I was on a 4:55am train from SF to San Jose. I had to, because I had a 7am meeting with our CTO this morning. Of course, it was 10am his time in Boston. Oy vey.

The good news is that it seems to have gone well. I went to sleep around 1am... but I'm remarkably perky. Maybe it's all the adrenaline.

But omg, I haven't gotten up at 4:30 am in... years. That's usually when I'm going to sleep.... >.<

Monday, January 19, 2009

Therapy Night: "Running a Racket"

I've really been meaning to blog about this for a while now... I'd like to make it a weekly feature to review my night in therapy and discuss what sort of crazy revelations came of it. The point isn't to air my dirty laundry, and/or provide a show for those of you voyeurs who love a good train wreck... tho of course both of those may end up happening. =P But really, it's more about giving you some deeper insight into my life, and maybe even help a few of you with similar problems to my own. Hell, it could be free therapy!

Anyways. I've been seeing a therapist since last April, ostensibly to help me deal with my various gay-related issues. But I spent most of 2008's sessions working on issues of commitment, which were really hounding me at work and school. (And by commitment I mean managing the ones I make to other people, vs traditional relationship commitment.) That thread sort of culminated in December, when my friend Tiffany and I decided to start an Integrity Journal and work through all of our host of unmet commitments. That's been proceeding apace, although Tiffany completely beat me in December with her awesome flurry of work over the holidays. Though I did actually clean out my bedroom at my parents' house to make room for my sister and brother-in-law... painful, but a very good thing to have gotten done.

But back to tonight. I went in to my therapist after a rather long weekend of school. I was at the new student orientation on Weds, where I met quite a few eligible young bachelors. For most of last week I was 3 kinds of excited about the guys, fantasizing about falling madly in love with one of them and duo-saving the world with our selfless acts of sustainability. By Saturday night I was completely depressed by the truth that they're almost all certainly straight, and I'm still alone and 32 and will never meet a man I want to date more than 3 weeks.

And then I was perusing the Facebook profiles of the few gay friends/acquaintances I have here in SF, when I discovered that apparently they all know each other. Amazingly, guys that in my mind were totally disconnected with one another are all friends, and have likely been hanging out together for years. And that put an even bigger hurt on me as I realized that they've all been socializing together for years, and I've never been invited out with them.

So I went into therapy angry and bitter and depressed. I was triggered by all the things I wrote above... I feel like I'm on the outside in the cold dark, looking in through a window at a beautiful holiday event where everyone is warm and cozy and laughing together. And I can't find the door to get in there... I know it's probably just around the corner, but I'm too scared to go looking for it. So instead I'm left out, suffering, and waiting for someone to rescue me.

So I shared allllll of this with my therapist. And boy, did he lay into me. He told me that I'm running a racket, just like a mobster with a laundry shop who's running shady deals in the back. From the front, it looks great, respectable, normal. But in the back it's a dangerous mess. I come off all friendly and charming and whatnot.... but the truth is that I'm angry and bitter and scared. OK, so maybe that's a little dramatic. But it's not too far from reality.

I've been hiding. I've known for years what I need to do... I need to make gay friends, spend time with them, get introduced to their friends, get involved in gay charities, go out in the Castro, etc etc etc. But I don't. My life is comfortable, I know my friends, I can get along really well in the straight world. But the gay world is scary and unknown, and I'm too chicken-shit to just sack up and immerse myself in it. And as long as I continue to hide, I'll continue to be alone. I don't have to face my fears, but as a result I'm in some ways terribly unhappy.

Every time I go out, I'm surrounded by straight men and women. That's fine, in some ways. But the problem is that my chances of meeting a man to date are nearly 0%. Instead, I look around the room at all these guys and think, wow, how awesome would it be if that one over there was gay? And that's the closest I ever get to the game of meeting someone, flirting, taking that colossal risk of asking them out... etc. The closest I ever get to dating is to look at someone and think, "what if..."


Clearly I need to make some changes. I know what they are, and I have some first steps. But it's so fucking intimidating. I don't know that I have the courage to do it. And I have so many good excuses why I won't.... my job makes me travel, I'm in school, I'm a student rep, I'm buying a house, I want to see my friends, I'm not hot enough, etc etc etc.

I asked my therapist to tell me what to do. Instead, he made me tell him. So I gave him 3 things. I've got one done, and the other 2 are in progress. I'll have to keep chipping away at this with him, every week, I guess. He's been pushing me to join the SF Gay Softball League. He says it's zero pressure, lots of fun, and the guys are all friendly. I don't know if I will... I mean, I'm out of town for work so much, and I'm in school, and I'm buying a house... (see how easy that is?)

Right now I'm feeling... I dunno. Numb, maybe? I really don't want to deal with this... I want the perfect guy to be handed to me on a silver platter. But that won't happen. I'll need to put in the work, and deal with the rejection. And I have to put in the TIME. That's one of the biggest things. I'll have to spend a lot of time on this.

Intellectually, I know it's worth it. But that doesn't make it any easier.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stargate AOT: Adria vs Morgan LeFay

So I finally saw Stargate: The Ark of Truth. Stargate ended after 10 seasons... it was one of my favorite shows of all time, and I was really sad to see it go. But they've continued the franchise in direct-to-DVD movies, which have been making them a lot of money.

Ark of Truth was the first (there's at least one other), and they're likely to continue making them for years to come. This scene was at the end... and it was gooood. It probably means nothing to you without any of the context of the series and film, but it's one of those "oh, shit, we're fucked" moments, when a hero shows up and saves the day. I love scenes like this, especially in scifi, where the stakes are typically so high (entire planets hanging in the balance, for example).

But I do think there's some pure aesthetic value to this video... the effects are pretty incredible, esp when viewed in HD. Check out those continuous flames covering Adria... every scene in the movie with her had her covered in those, as she walked around the room and conversed... it was really amazing to see. I'm so impressed with the special effects team that work on the Stargate projects...!!

The Lament of Captain Placeholder

This is so great... another awesome machinama, but this one has original music! And the guy's voice and performance are really good... I'm loving it.

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

The Craft of War: Blind

So this is my new favorite machinima. It's a World of Warcraft creation by an independent artist going by the name of percula. Watch it... it's really amazingly done, with very catchy music.

What's machinima? Well, click that link above to read up about it on wikipedia. But it's basically the hijacking of computer game animation to create an original work of art. In this case, the animation artist uses models and art from World of Warcraft, but creates his own animations from WoW's animation infrastructure. A really popular example of machinima is the South Park episode, "Make Love, Not Warcraft," in which the boys become addicted to World of Warcraft, and half the episode consists of them running around talking with each other in-game in the form of their WoW characters.

If you'd like some backstory on "The Craft of War: Blind," here's a quick overview. The main character is a blood elf, and she's part of the Horde, one of the two primary political factions in the Warcraft universe. The city she's in is Stormwind, the capital of the humans, and a member of the other political faction: the Alliance. The Horde and the Alliance aren't exactly in open war, but there is constant skirmishing going on between the two sides all over the planet.

The main character has infiltrated Stormwind, and seems to have a target in mind: the woman with the staff. Her name is Lady Katrana Prestor, part of Stormwind's nobility. Except that she's actually an evil black dragon named Onyxia, disguised as a human with the intent of undermining the Alliance from within. There's a very long and involved quest chain in World of Warcraft that leads you to unveil her true identity, and eventually track her back to her lair and slay her.

This particular machinima takes place before her unveiling, while she's still firmly entrenched in Stormwind's political elite. Both Horde and Alliance have very strong reasons to kill Onyxia, because of her very nasty manipulation of the two powers in the war-torn world of Azeroth.

I have to say my favorite part of this machinima is when Lady Prestor raises her finger to her lips and says, "shhhhh." Too awesome. When you see it in context, you'll understand. Keep in mind the name of the piece, "Blind"... it's thematic in quite a few ways.

Anyways, this is a superb example of both animation and storytelling, and I'm really looking forward to more work from this artist! Go, percula!

The Craft of War: BLIND from percula on Vimeo.