Thursday, October 12, 2006

UCS: US Northeast will be totally hosed by climate change

OK, so I'm paraphrasing the summary of their findings, but the Union of Concerned Scientists (one of my favorite lobbying groups in all of time and space) just informed me of a recent study that found that the US Northeast will experience the following changes by century's end:
  • Northeast winters could warm by eight to 12 degrees Fahrenheit and summers by six to nearly 14 degrees.
  • The length of the region’s winter snow season could be cut in half.
  • The frequency of short-term droughts could increase significantly.
  • Sea-level could rise from eight inches to as much three feet.
  • Many Northeast cities can expect about 25 days per year over 100 degrees. (Currently, Northeast cities experience this type of heat only once or twice a year.)

Pretty awesome, huh? Sea-level rises of 3 feet... that would be pretty devestating to NYC, the Hamptons, Martha's Vineyard, etc... maybe the richies should get off their asses and try to fight climate change...!

Anyways, much much more detail can be found at the UCS-owned website

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