Friday, September 28, 2007

Sprint + Mobile Broadband = teh awesome

I'm almost embarrassed to say this, but I'm really happy with Sprint right now. I mean, sure, the state of freedom in the US cellular market is heinous, and we're basically structurally captive to a system of no choice and slow innovation, but given the shitty state of US telecommunications Sprint is doing pretty damned well.

I'm writing write now from the Caltrain as I wend my way to work. No, Caltrain did not implement its free on-train wi-fi; in fact, they've cancelled their plans to do so. That spurred me to think about other options, specifically mobile broadband. Mobile broadband uses the existing cellular networks to achieve broadband speeds (1.5 Mbps down, 500 Kbps up) pretty much anywhere you have cell coverage... which is pretty much anywhere.

But which carrier do you choose? There are at least 4 major options: Sprint, Verizon, AT&T, and T-mobile. And fear not... I've done the legwork on these 4 carriers and I'm happy to break down the results for you right here, right now.
  1. Verizon – I eliminated Verizon because they have a 5 GB/month cap on their "unlimited" wireless broadband service, at which point they reserve the right to just up and cancel your account since they believe only people with evil intentions could ever use that much bandwidth. And thank god I eliminated them. In the 3 days since I got my Sprint card I've already downloaded and uploaded *each* over 1 GB. And that's just standard web browsing and e-mailing! Dumbasses. And yes, this little tidbit on the bandwidth cap is completely buried in the fine print. But it's there.
  2. T-mobile – I eliminated T-mobile because their network isn’t broadband. It’s only 56-125k.
  3. AT&T – I eliminated AT&T because of a few reasons. I like the fact that their Aircard is the Sierra Wireless 875U, which is quad-band and supports download speeds up to 3.6 Mbps. AT&T’s network is only max of 700k now, but it could theoretically get up to 3.6. However, the quad-band is essentially useless because outside the US you’re limited to 100 MB/month in a select roaming zone, and are otherwise charged 2 cents/KB. Which is $20/MB. Which apparently I do 1000 times over each day, thus potentially costing me $20,000/day at normal usage rates. So yeah, screw that. Plus, AT&T’s terms and conditions EXPRESSLY FORBID: webcams, video/audio streaming, p2p, machine2machine, and VOIP. So no Skype, no internet radio, no Youtube, no videoconferencing, no eMule... They’re assholes like that. Ummm, knock knock AT&T, welcome to 2007. Hell, welcome to 2005. Jeebiz.
  4. Sprint – The only drawback to Sprint is that their card isn’t quad-band, so it’s not usable outside the US like AT&T’s is. And the Sierra 595U isn’t as fast as the 875U of AT&T, capping out at ~1.4 Mbps (I believe). But Sprint’s network RIGHT NOW is 1.4Mbps. And their terms and conditions actually permit all those things AT&T forbids. In fact, they explicitly permit these modern uses of the web, and instead only prohibit I think 3 things, which boil down to "don't do anything illegal with your connection". Damn right! Now *that's* service!

So yeah... the moral of the story is that Sprint is actually doing everything RIGHT in the arena of mobile broadband, while AT&T and Verizon are just embarrassing themselves. I'm waiting for T-mobile to get its act together... I have a feeling they'll get it right as well. Oh, and in case you were wondering... mobile broadband service is a separate contract from your cell service. So you can have mobile broadband service from Sprint even if your cell carrier isn't.

Oh yeah... I don't work for Sprint. =D And in fact I've been contemplating leaving them because of their lack of quad-band support. But instead I'm going to stay with them a while longer as a show of support for their modern attitude towards the web. =)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Rapture Letters

OK, kudos to my friend Sue for sharing this with me.

I don't think I need to say anything else. I signed up to notify Kelly, Sue, and a couple of my Jewish friends (since they're presumably auto-skipped by the rapture; hi Becky & Gary!) before I got tired of clicking and typing (cause you know, I don't do that all day or anything). If you really want me to add you I will.

What that site really needs is a Web 2.0 overhaul, including some SOA-based verification of good Christian status. I'm guessing I wasn't the constituency they had in mind.

Iranian President is denied access to Ground Zero by NYC officials

Does this strike anyone else as a bit juvenile?! I swear, our country is run by a cabal of fucking junior high bullies. If a world leader wants to pay his respects, let him pay his damned respects. Who cares if we don't get along with him. It's incredibly petty to deny him this visit... it doesn't buy us anything and just aggravates our relationship with Iran. Which I know is what BushCo wants, but the rest of us should know better by now. Oy vey.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

zomg! It's Int'l Talk Like A Pirate Day!

I hope you've all been talking like a pirate all day today. It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day today! It's your duty as an American to adhere to silly holidays declared by random and/or unnamed groups who have absolutley no authority whatsoever to do so.

Here's a quick pirate primer:
  • Ahoy! – Hello!
  • A merry yarn – A good story
  • Booty – Treasure
  • Davy Jones' Locker - fabled, mythical place at the bottom of the ocean where the evil spirit of Davy Jones brings sailors and pirates to die
  • Shiver me timbers – I’m scared, my legs be shaking.
  • Shocked to the very boney – That's surprising.
  • Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! – Pull up anchor, let's go sailing.
  • Yarr. – I agree.
  • Yarr! – I see your point, and mightily agree.
  • Yarr? – What did you say?


Monday, September 17, 2007

A moment of silence for Robert Jordan


Robert Jordan, one of my favorite authors of all time, died yesterday of a rare blood disease. He was very close to finishing his last book in the 12-book Wheel of Time series. He maintained a blog in his final years in which he updated his fans on the progression of and battle with his disease... he was truly a rare and amazing man. I'm really really sorry that we've all lost such a talented artist. :(

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Voce Communications @ Rockit Room w/ Off the Record--Party for a Cause

Hey folks --

My roomate volunteers with Girls For A Change, a national organization that empowers thousands of teen girls to create and lead social change. They're having a benefit tomorrow, Weds, 9/12, in San Francisco.

Voce Communications is bringing out the PR/media community to support the organization, raise money, drink some booze and network. They have a great band confirmed: Off the Record that is comprised of media legends, such as Don Clark of the Wall Street Journal. Think Journey meets Cat Stevens. I'm not sure if that's good or not, but it's what Leah told me to say, and I am her puppet!

Anyways, it's a good cause, so if you're around you should go.

What: Girls For A Change Benefit
Where: Rockit Room
406 Clement Street (between 5th and 6th Ave.)
San Francisco
When: September 12 @ 7pm
Why: Raise Some Money for a Good Cause
Entertainment: Off the Record Band