Thursday, September 20, 2007

Iranian President is denied access to Ground Zero by NYC officials

Does this strike anyone else as a bit juvenile?! I swear, our country is run by a cabal of fucking junior high bullies. If a world leader wants to pay his respects, let him pay his damned respects. Who cares if we don't get along with him. It's incredibly petty to deny him this visit... it doesn't buy us anything and just aggravates our relationship with Iran. Which I know is what BushCo wants, but the rest of us should know better by now. Oy vey.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Graeme, Mark here. Per your request about RSS, our website for Nolan now apparently has one. Or at least, it's got something that says "subscribe" next to RSS. Now, I am trying to get this functioning with your blog. Do I need some sort of RSS program/aggregator to make it happen? Or should my browser do this for me?

Also, I agree about Iranian President AmahdnehdnidadfdfJAD. Seems like he should be able to do so as a foreign head of state, but I think it was the NYPD that was claiming the security detail would be too large. Or does "the man" have something to do with this?