Wednesday, September 19, 2007

zomg! It's Int'l Talk Like A Pirate Day!

I hope you've all been talking like a pirate all day today. It's International Talk Like A Pirate Day today! It's your duty as an American to adhere to silly holidays declared by random and/or unnamed groups who have absolutley no authority whatsoever to do so.

Here's a quick pirate primer:
  • Ahoy! – Hello!
  • A merry yarn – A good story
  • Booty – Treasure
  • Davy Jones' Locker - fabled, mythical place at the bottom of the ocean where the evil spirit of Davy Jones brings sailors and pirates to die
  • Shiver me timbers – I’m scared, my legs be shaking.
  • Shocked to the very boney – That's surprising.
  • Weigh anchor and hoist the mizzen! – Pull up anchor, let's go sailing.
  • Yarr. – I agree.
  • Yarr! – I see your point, and mightily agree.
  • Yarr? – What did you say?


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