Thursday, January 31, 2008

Homosexuality is Illegal in Cameroon

Not that this is entirely surprising (depressingly), but homosexuality is illegal in many parts of the world, and is even in places punishable by death. I just got this notice from Amnesty International related to 11 men detained in Cameroon for the heinous crime of being gay (insert eyeroll here). Please take a minute to 1) join Amnesty International, and 2) respond to this particular notice to help free these men. It's ridiculous that people even care about sexual orientation, but in places where it's illegal, GLBT people desperately need the support of outsiders whenever they can get it.

"Eleven men were arrested and detained in Cameroon between 19th July and
1st September 2007 because they were suspected of engaging in acts of
homosexuality. Sexual relations between two people of the same sex are
illegal in Cameroon. The 11 men were arrested in the cities of Douala
and Yaoundé where they remain in custody. Amnesty International
considers the detainees to be prisoners of conscience, detained solely
on account of their presumed sexual orientation, and is calling for
their immediate and unconditional release as well as for the
decriminalization of homosexuality in Cameroon."

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Monday, January 28, 2008

State of the Union tonight!

Oh my lord... tonight is Bush's last State of the Union address. 6pm PST, 9pm EST. I can't believe I forgot that this was coming up... normally I'd try to host a little party of people to play a drinking game while he's talking. So if anyone wants to come over tonight, I'll provide the booze.

If you can't come by, feel free to play along at home. That link has a fantastic drinking game that'll probably have you dead 20 minutes into the speech. =D

I'll pop back on after the speech and pass my eternal judgment upon it.

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Eagle Eyes McGee

Over xmas/NY, when I was back in Wheaton, I got my annual eyeball check-up. They're doing great... good intraocular pressure, no additional deterioration in my lens' ability to focus... and it turns out I have superpower vision.

No, I can't see through walls or fire lasers at the tires of annoying drivers on the interstate (how great would that be). But my eyes do correct down to almost 20/5, which according to my optomitrist no human is supposed to be able to achieve.

20/20 is considered "perfect vision"... it's the ability to read 20 pt font at 20 feet. 20/100 (the ability to read 100 pt font at 20 feet) or worse is legally blind (for purposes of driving especially). Without my contacts, I'm like 20/200. With them, I'm between 20/5 and 20/10, meaning I can read like 7 pt font at 20 feet. At that level I can discern particles of dust and dirt on things that most other people can't, which my doc warned me can really drive some people crazy. I can read that ticker on the bottom of a tv news channel from across a crowded bar. I can see those nasty, crater-like pores on your face that you really need to see a dermatologist about. And I can see right through your bullshit when you tell me that you like me but you're just not ready for a relationship right now. Hahaha.

Anyways, I think it's neat that I've got supervision. It makes up for my crappy sense of smell.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

I just wanna use your love

OK, so I'm in Miami for work... staying in the Marriott in South Beach, with a balcony overlooking the ocean beach... it's pretty sweet. We went to dinner last night at a steakhouse called The Forge, which is a super-fancy place with delicious food, riddled with hookers. Er, not that the food's riddled with hookers... the steakhouse is... anyways.

I had their specialty steak, which in 2005 won Wine Spectator's Best Steak in America. Also had some french fries with white truffle oil, some asparagus, some really good crab, and a number of other random deliciousnesses. Ohhhh, a Belgian chocolate souffle, too. Yummers. All told the bill for the 5 of us must have been like $400 or more... thank you daddy Accenture! Though we've earned it from the hours we've been working. =D

Anyways. They had an ADDJ playing some random mix in the restaurant, since apparently around midnight it begins a slow morph into a club. The music was great, though I swear it's almost identical to music I've heard at Slide in SF... perhaps both DJs bought some 3rd DJ's CD and were just faking spinning while they were up in their booth.... reminds me of that weird time in Santa Cruz when that DJ was "spinning" these tunes from the 1940s... I think he had an iPod on and was grooving to something else entirely. Anyways.

The point of all of this was to provide a pre-ramble to this link: Man... Love that song.

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I bristle at this claim...

A Playboy poll claims Republicans have sex more often than Dems... though I take heart that it seems their sex is more boring. Per's War Room:

"In a poll that will appear in Playboy Friday, Luntz says that more
Republicans than Democrats have sex at least once a week. Fifty-five percent of
Republicans but only 43 percent of Democrats report hooking up at least weekly.
On the other hand, 67 percent of Democrats but only 51 percent of Republican say
they've watched porn with their partners.

Do Republicans and Democrats see eye-to-eye on anything sexual? Yes.
Twenty-three percent of Republicans and 24 percent of Democrats say they'd
probably have a one-night stand with a president if they found that person
physically and sexually attractive.

Which presidents fit that bill? Luntz's respondents overwhelmingly picked
Bill Clinton as the sexiest president of the past 40 years, with Ronald Reagan a
very distant second. The least sexy president? Richard Nixon, with Clinton

Boooooooo.... ok, Dems.... let's get out there and up our percentages!!

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