Thursday, January 31, 2008

Homosexuality is Illegal in Cameroon

Not that this is entirely surprising (depressingly), but homosexuality is illegal in many parts of the world, and is even in places punishable by death. I just got this notice from Amnesty International related to 11 men detained in Cameroon for the heinous crime of being gay (insert eyeroll here). Please take a minute to 1) join Amnesty International, and 2) respond to this particular notice to help free these men. It's ridiculous that people even care about sexual orientation, but in places where it's illegal, GLBT people desperately need the support of outsiders whenever they can get it.

"Eleven men were arrested and detained in Cameroon between 19th July and
1st September 2007 because they were suspected of engaging in acts of
homosexuality. Sexual relations between two people of the same sex are
illegal in Cameroon. The 11 men were arrested in the cities of Douala
and Yaoundé where they remain in custody. Amnesty International
considers the detainees to be prisoners of conscience, detained solely
on account of their presumed sexual orientation, and is calling for
their immediate and unconditional release as well as for the
decriminalization of homosexuality in Cameroon."

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