Saturday, January 19, 2008

Eagle Eyes McGee

Over xmas/NY, when I was back in Wheaton, I got my annual eyeball check-up. They're doing great... good intraocular pressure, no additional deterioration in my lens' ability to focus... and it turns out I have superpower vision.

No, I can't see through walls or fire lasers at the tires of annoying drivers on the interstate (how great would that be). But my eyes do correct down to almost 20/5, which according to my optomitrist no human is supposed to be able to achieve.

20/20 is considered "perfect vision"... it's the ability to read 20 pt font at 20 feet. 20/100 (the ability to read 100 pt font at 20 feet) or worse is legally blind (for purposes of driving especially). Without my contacts, I'm like 20/200. With them, I'm between 20/5 and 20/10, meaning I can read like 7 pt font at 20 feet. At that level I can discern particles of dust and dirt on things that most other people can't, which my doc warned me can really drive some people crazy. I can read that ticker on the bottom of a tv news channel from across a crowded bar. I can see those nasty, crater-like pores on your face that you really need to see a dermatologist about. And I can see right through your bullshit when you tell me that you like me but you're just not ready for a relationship right now. Hahaha.

Anyways, I think it's neat that I've got supervision. It makes up for my crappy sense of smell.


Anonymous said...

I love using McGee as a last name! In class, I always refer to kids as Grouchy McGee, Smarty McGee, Nosy McGee, etc. Then this year, a new kid got placed in my class, and his name is Nephus McGee! Ha!

Way to go on the steller eyesight Eagle Eyes McGee. I'm totally jealous. My prescription just got bumped to -7.5 and -8. :(

Anonymous said...

my name is nephus mcgee and others dont refer to me as joke bout i like my name cause this what made me cool.