Monday, March 10, 2008

Hastert's seat goes to Dems!

Woohoo! Go Batavia!!!! Dennis Hastert's seat has just been lost in a special election to a Democrat.

Why is this significant? First, the district in question is just west of my native Wheaton, IL. Second, it has been a historically Republican district, typically skewing 60-70% GOP during elections. But most interestingly is the history of Hastert himself. Hastert was Speaker of the House just before Pelosi, and was a major Bush yes-man. He ended up losing his seat of 20+ years because of the scandal surrounding Florida Rep Mark Foley and the House Pages Foley was trying to seduce. Foley was basically a big ol' pedophile, and Hastert protected him from investigation for years.

So now Hastert's GOP seat has been lost to the Dems. Everyone was saying that this election would be a harbinger for November... if that's true, then we may be in for a landslide of Dems, and a GOP in total disarray. Yay!!! [And Big A, that's a good thing... the GOP needs to reboot and drop all the Bush shit, and get back to its core values, dammit! And those values aren't the crazy right wing shit we've seen since Reagan! But that's not news... most true Repubs feel that way, from the conversations I've had.]


Kris said...

Isn't that refreshing? I didn't follow the race that closely, but never thought there'd be a Democrat representing the far western 'burbs - at least not for a long time. The campaign was pretty nasty, though. The whole Chicago area was treated to condescending negative ads from both parties.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, except its too bad that your governor is a crook and a weiner at that.

Then again, my state's governor's weiner has gotten him into lotso trouble in recent days.

Kris said...

Agreed. (sigh.) When our governor was up for re-election in 06, he inspired my first ever Republican vote. My second Republican vote was for county board president on the same ballot, due to the shady and undemocratic way the Democrat got on the ballot in the first place. 2006 was a frustrating lesser-of-two-evils kind of election year. I'm not a fan of the "protest vote," but that was extreme.

Anonymous said...

I can now amend this to say my state's FORMER governor's weiner.
He's out.

To paraphrase his resignation speech, "I'm really sorry that my private affinity for whoremongering was revealed to the world by the NYT, thus getting in the way of all of the totally awesome things I did for you people - and for all mankind - as governor."
