Thursday, March 20, 2008

Meta Postage

I've got a slew of posts I've been meaning to make.

Some are cross-posts of Youtube videos... Youtube supposedly allows you to easily post to your blog from their site, but I've tried several times now and it's completely failed... so maybe at some point I'll figure out why and do something about it.

Some are political commentary on the whole primary season. I've been remarkably silent about all of that here on my blog, which is incredibly unlike me. I suppose in general I feel as if the primary season has more than enough coverage and commentary as it is... but I would like to go on record with some of my opinions, esp related to McCain (who my roommate [insanely] is thinking of voting for) and the whole Clinton-Obama in-fighting (which is just stupid and counter-productive).

Some are about my love life... about The Fucker and about Daywalker and about the various other nutjobs I've been subjected to as of late. Those I'll definitely get to soon to spare my sanity and get that shit off my chest.

The rest are random... my druid hit 70 (Elianthor on Thrall), it's Kelly's 30th this wknd, my family's got both awesome and super-shitty news, school's been going well/weird... etc.

So... there may be a blitzkrieg of posts coming... or there may not. I'm going to try to start slamming these things in to get them out of my head, but my schedule's so packed for the next week that by the time I have time to write I may have lost the bug to do so. =P

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I hope your booze-planning meeting went well - have a great weekend and a drink for me!