Friday, July 11, 2008

The Power of Cloud...

If you're like the me from a few months ago and are wondering what the hell is up with all this Cloud Computing talk, here's a great demo from 3tera's AppLogic of why everyone's so hot for it.

A lot of the talk around Cloud plays out like a Gartner Mad Libs... "By the year (3 years from now), (technology) will represent (high percentage) of all IT revenue in the US. Enterprises that don't transform themselves to adopt (technology) will lose (high dollar amount) in revenue, as their competition gains increased market share. The CEO and board will find themselves facing angry shareholders and (medieval torture process)."

But there is a lot of truth to the Cloud hype... and if you have any experience in data centers or the deployment of web apps, this demo will likely prove that to you.

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