Wednesday, March 04, 2009

You know you play too much WoW if...

This is from an older post from the WoW site WoW Insider, but it amuses me.  The longer list is pretty hilarious, but there were the ones that I either identified with or at least made me guffaw (PUGing iit when you can't find friends... bwah hahahahahah)...

"So here goes, you might play too much WoW if:

...words like gank, pwn, and aggro have made it into your regular vocabulary.
... you find yourself hitting your push-to-talk key to the person next to you, on the phone, or any other place that's not Vent.
... you think of gifts for your friends and family as rep turn-ins, and you're hoping for epic lootz under the Christmas tree.
... you secretly wish that playing the stock market was as easy as the auction house.
... when none of your friends want to do something IRL, you seriously consider PUGging it."

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