Thursday, July 19, 2007

Steak and Potter

omg, i'm the worst blogger ever. seriously... i'm so behind.

But I have semi-valid excuses. First of all, while I was gone in Europe I missed internet porn. So I've had some catching up to do. But setting that aside, I've also been super social since coing back. I think I've been out about 7 times in the last 2 weeks. That's not Europe-level drinking, but that's pretty damned good for me. I've been on WoW for all of 5 mins, I think... and I haven't played any other games aside from 10 mins of Civ3 (I got frustrated cause the Romans wiped out my foothold city in their territory).

So what've I been doing? Lessee.... last Thursday was Steak and Potter... dinner at House of Prime Rib with Stefan and Tiffany followed by a midnight showing of the new Harry Potter. The dinner was on me, as congrats to Tiff for finishing her masters program! It was soooo good, too... if you haven't been to HoPR, it's a restaurant in SF that literally only serves Prime Rib (and sides). The food was awesome, and our waitress even better. She was a lot of fun, but it turns out she had us fooled, and she was actually Scottish, but in the 2 yrs since she'd moved here she'd completely mastered the American accent. I told her we would have tipped her better [than 20%] if she'd kept the accent. =P

What else... the movie was great. We saw Transformers on Friday night, too, after dinner at Thirsty Bear... xformers was AWESOME. I've been waiting for that movie since I was 5. It was non-stop action and sooooooooooo fun, and I really liked the dialogue. Esp the kid and the scenes with his parents.

My super hot and hilarious German friend JJ came into town on Sat for 6 days for work... I picked him up and then we bar-hopped with friends of Kelly's starting at 5. We went from Buena Vista Cafe to Rogue to Bigfoot to Cinch to Roger's house, where we watched Eurotrip and ate tots and passed out at 4ish am. Rogue was a lot of fun... I had combo chocolate/hazelnut beers and we met all these random people that were part of the 40-man bar crawl. We picked up a new friend Kevin and brought him with us the rest of the night. By the time we left Rogue it was me, Kelly, Roger, Floria, Joe, Kevin, Tiffany, Stefan, Kelly, and JJ. A good group. =D We tried stalking Vanilla Ice, who was playing a couple doors down from Bigfoot at Red Devil Lounge, but we couldn't find him. So we hung out at the gay bar Cinch before heading to Roger and Joe's.

Sunday I was up at noon and home by 1ish, then helped Kelly clear out her storage unit and move her stuff that evening. She made me and Joe dinner and I drank a bit there, then it was off to work for the week. Nothing Mon/Tues, but Weds we took JJ out for a last hurrah at Zeitgeist, another biergarten (since those are hard for him to find in his native Deutschland). In bed by 2am, up at 6am and off to work for a day of PFI training.

And then tonight we did happy hour at the Academy of Science's 3rd Thursday, where I sipped rum and cokes with the penguins, giant sea bass, and poisonous darter frogs. Yum! Then we got all-u-can-eat ethernopian food at Dazeima (?) on Divis and Hayes with some of Kelly's friends from the EPA. Some crazy hot guy was there as a friend of one of Kelly's friends... he looks like a tall blond surfer version of Joey from Blossom... but he's Cornell-educated and very clever and random, so he was totally up my alley. Alas I'm sure he's straight, as is every guy I ever meet who I'm even remotely interested in. It's my curse, I suppose. I blame Voldemort.

Which reminds me... I'll wrap up by saying that I started the 1st Harry Potter book on my flight home from Europe... after YEARS of refusing to read them in a sort of silent protest against pop culture, I finally caved in and started, and now I'm on book 5. I've been reading one every 2 days or so, minus the drinking hours. I should be ready for the release on Saturday of #7, at this rate. I swear sometimes I'm a smidge demented in the way I do things.


Anonymous said...

tots. heehee.

I, too, have refused to read the Potter madness....are they *that* good?

Yay for graeme being a par-tay animal.

kirby said...

I too have not read the Potter books. I did see the first movie and enjoyed it though.

Link to restaurant -

Rumor has it that Ike & Tina used to own the house-turned-restaurant!

Graeme said...

Well, the books are a fast read, and they're quite engaging. I really like the characters a lot, and I can very strongly identify with how angry the teenage Harry is at the injustice of his life. =D

So the books aren't necessarily masterpieces, but they're fun and casual and quick, so I'd say you'd be fine borrowing them from someone when you want something low-key to read.

And the movies are great... I endorse them all. =D They very closely follow the books, even down to dialogue at times... though they obviously cut some storylines out entirely for time's sake.