Monday, August 13, 2007

One Down, Two to Go...

Karl Rove resigned today! In the Republican Axis of Evil, he's #2 behind Cheney and ahead of Bush. This is pretty awesome news... he's always seemed so untouchable, despite all the horrible things he's done (see's War Room for a mere sampling of the shit he's pulled).

Sticking with the old political mainstay, he's resigning to spend more time with his family. I love that BS... it's always code for "I fucked up and I need to flee before I end up in jail." Again,'s War Room says it best when they say, "It's not clear why, after six and a half years of the Bush-Rove presidency, Rove's wife and college-age son need him so much on Aug. 31, 2007, that they can't wait until Jan. 20, 2009." Hahahaha.

The really heinous piece of all of this is that somehow, resigning immunizes you from prosecution. I've never understood that. It's like politicians get to choose between retaining power and facing consequences for their illegal actions, or resigning and retiring into plush lobbying jobs, consequence-free. How is that fair, again? I bet you anything the federal government never levies charges against Rove. Fucking system... where's justice!!!!

Enough of that rant... I'll leave this with my rosy prediction that I fear his resignation is simply a part of Rove's Evil Master Plan for World Domination (tm). I don't trust the man, and I don't trust that he's going to disappear into the wordwork like Ari Fleischer did lo those many years ago. He's been the spider in the center of the web for far too long to give it up now... I think we'll start feeling his hand in the next 6 months as he somehow monkeys with the 2008 presidential race. Ugh. Where are all the demon-slaying paladins when you need one.

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