Sunday, August 05, 2007

Where the Hell have I been?!

Well... I'm still behind on my Eurotrip posts, and now I have a week's worth of posts to create about my trip to Peru. I'm currently sitting in the airport in Lima, waiting out my 7 hr layover to Miami from Cusco. This last week I hiked the Peruvian Andes with several of my friends, and had a blast. It was hard as hell... we were hiking between 8000 and 14000 feet, with tons of up and down, so my legs and knees are a bit sore from all that. And sadly I didn't get to try a "famous" 6-hand Inca massage (what the hell are all those hands doing?!) because I was randomly stricken with some disease that caused me to vomit and shit about 45 lbs of material out my orifices in a 4 hr period. But enough teasing, I'll let you be. I'll try to haul my ass back here and start posting in the next day or 2. ;)



kirby said...

welcome back! can't wait to hear about your trip. call me :)

Kate Fahey said...

wtf. I want to hear about Peru DAMNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!