Monday, December 10, 2007

International Human Rights Day!

Well, it turns out today is the 57th annual International Human Rights Day! So if you were planning to oppress anyone today (Big A!), please don't. In case you're wondering what this actually means, well, wikipedia it you lazy bastard. That's what I did. But to spare you the effort, I'll summarize for you. It's a High Holy Day for the UN, "normally marked by both high-level political conferences and meetings
and by cultural events and exhibitions dealing with human rights issues." So this is a good day for you to have that high-level diplomatic junket you've been planning, although if you didn't send out your invites well ahead of time you're not likely to be able to grab any major world leader's time. Still, it's probly worth checking their Outlook calendars just in case.

Also, consider giving some scratch to your local international Human Rights organization. Amnesty International is a great one, as are my US favorites of the ACLU and HRC.

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Anonymous said...

I refrained from my oppressive activities yesterday, spending the day down the block at the U.N. where I had tea with four heads of State and three more insignificant appendages of State but today I'm back on that organ-stealing, lash-wielding oppression pony!

Graeme said...

Well, you held out for an entire day! God bless your shriveled, black heart.