Monday, January 28, 2008

State of the Union tonight!

Oh my lord... tonight is Bush's last State of the Union address. 6pm PST, 9pm EST. I can't believe I forgot that this was coming up... normally I'd try to host a little party of people to play a drinking game while he's talking. So if anyone wants to come over tonight, I'll provide the booze.

If you can't come by, feel free to play along at home. That link has a fantastic drinking game that'll probably have you dead 20 minutes into the speech. =D

I'll pop back on after the speech and pass my eternal judgment upon it.

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kirby said...

Thanks for the reminder about the SOTU. I'm listening right now, sans drinks.

Unknown said...

every time he says "nucular" do a shot!

sadly, i was nursing the baby for the whole speech.

Anonymous said...

You know what's great. There are three fewer days of this complete failure of an administration since you posted this. Tick, tick, tick....