Thursday, July 17, 2008

Today I Joined Twitter

File this under: why the hell do I want to do this again?

I've joined Twitter. If you're wondering what Twitter is, it's a service that allows one to publish short, neurotic, play-by-play updates of one's life to anyone who cares. These updates are 160 characters or less. You can make the updates from their website, or your cellphone, or any one of I suspect 100 different apps that have incorporated Twitter into them. If you use gchat or Facebook, it's basically the exact same thing as your status message.

Why would anyone want to do this? Good question. My friend Craig claims that Facebook will one day die an anonymous death, while Twitter will live forever. I completely fail to follow his logic, so much so that I actually see things completely opposite. Facebook is so widely adopted (old HS friends are finding me there, and my mom's about to join) that it serves a useful social purpose of connecting people in ways that mySpace,, and a thousand other points of dim and boring light failed to do.

And yet, Twitter seems pretty popular. Lots of people use it, and they don't just track their friends. They actually "follow" completely random people that for some reason or another amuse them. This creeps me out a bit... I don't really want the world to know exactly what I'm doing at all times. But I think I could have fun with it... I could twit things like, "taking a shit" or "masturbating with a melon" and totally freak people out.

Hmmm... come to think of it, these Twitter freaks could actually be onto something.

Anyways, feel free to e-stalk me via yet another method:

1 comment:

kirby said...

This is soooo not a replacement for a new cell phone.