Thursday, August 14, 2008

Judge says UC can deny religious course credit

From A judge said that the UC system can deny course credit from Christian high schools that claim that the bible is literal truth, and that evolution is wrong. The plaintiffs (representing the Christian schools) reacted by saying, "It appears the UC is attempting to secularize private religious schools." However, the judge's reasoning was the the plaintifs sought a "religious exemption from regular admissions standards."

The article says that "UC's review committees cited legitimate reasons for rejecting the texts
- not because they contained religious viewpoints, but because they
omitted important topics in science and history and failed to teach
critical thinking."

Can I get a HELL YEAH for this one? I'm so sick of religious fundamentalists taking a relativist view of the world. Just because you believe something, doesn't make it so. And just because it's your belief, doesn't mean you get automatic equal treatment. In this case, these people are deliberately teaching ignorance and an aversion to questioning authority. These are both in direct opposition to a university's purpose...! So I say fuck the fundies (as I used to call them in high school).

They made their narrow-minded, internally-inconsistent bed, and now they have to lie in it.

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