Thursday, August 14, 2008

Lieberman to get what he deserves

I have to say, I hate Joe Lieberman. If there was ever a man more sycophantic and self-delusional in the world of politics, I haven't met him. This guy claims to be a Democrat, but he votes along Republican party lines and is actively campaigning for John McCain.

Thus, I can't tell you how happy I was to read this quote from Nancy Pelosi: "The Democrats in the Senate are in a tough spot. They have 51 votes.
Joe Lieberman organizes with them," she said. "In 85 days or something,
they will have five more Democrats. They won't need him to make the
majority. And it will be interesting to see what the leadership in the
Senate, the Democratic leadership in the Senate, does at that point in
terms of Joe Lieberman's chairmanship of his committee."

Fuck you, Joe, you slimy dirtbag. =D I can't wait to watch all your power stripped from you, and watch you flip Republican a week after the election. We all know it's coming... don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Oh and also, go go Nancy Pelosi. Thank you heaps for speaking your mind on that situation. I love to hear you give your bare opinion on topics because it reminds me why I voted you into office. =)

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