Tuesday, November 04, 2008

G's Election Night Predictions

OK, I'm gonna make some calls, just for shits. It's ~5:45pm PST on Election Night.

Obama wins, 336-181, and Prop 8 fails miserably.

I think Obama will take Nevada, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Colorado, Arizona, and Indiana. Missouri and Montana will go McCain.

That's my prediction... I'd be ok with Obama losing a couple of those, but the bigger the landslide the better, since it leaves less room for people to bitch that it wasn't a mandate (even though Bush claimed a mandate on a margin of like 5 votes).

Anyways... hope all y'all voted, and let's kick back and enjoy the pending insanity! =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wait, since when did Bush have 5 votes to spare?

It's looking good for FLorida and Virginia, and Ohio, PA, and Iowa are already in.

Here's hoping that Prop 8 fails as much as t deserves to.