Thursday, December 21, 2006

Wheaton in the news

Oh lord, this is nasty. I will say this though... I went to the other Wheaton high school, not this filthy cesspool. Hahhaaha.

Happy holidays! =P

Monday, December 11, 2006

Fun with travel!

So I’ve been flying a lot lately, but I’ve been fighting the power and checking my bag so I don’t have to play their silly 3-1-1 plastic-bag-with-3-oz-liquid-containers game. Yes, I’ve been severely inconveniencing myself for a pointless principle. But no longer!! This morning I missed the baggage cut-off so was put on a standby flight 2 hrs later… even though I got to the gate with 15 mins left to board. Yargh!!!

So this week I will be creating a travel pack of liquid toiletries, so I can do my part to support the TSA’s pointless security procedures, and avoid checking my bag. L At first I thought I could only take 3 of those containers, and I was like: hmmmm…. Which 3? Shampoo, face soap, and lube? Hahahaha. But it turns out you can take as many as fit in a 1-qt bag. So that means all my lotions and conditioners can come, too! Yay! Hahahahaaha.

Ahhhh… fun with travel. I might also be selling out and getting a rollerboard. :( My bags are too uncomfortable to do as shoulder bags, so I’ve been carrying one by hand slung over my back. But it’s got my accounting textbook, my running stuff, extra shoes… it’s a heavy muthah-fuckah. So in the interest of sparing my wrists some bizarre traveler’s carpal tunnel, it looks like I’ll be taking one more step towards becoming an Anderclone. :(

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Lieberman is a Giant Douchebag

I just want to take a moment to point out that Joe Lieberman is a giant douchebag.

The man lost his party's primary nomination, so what did he do? He left the Democratic party and ran for Senate under his own new party, arrogantly titled "Connecticut for Lieberman". Now he's won the seat as an independent, but will he suffer any consequences for turning his back on his party? Not likely.

Instead, because of the delicate balance in the Senate, the Democrats will need Lieberman on their side. This means they'll likely let him retain his seniority, including his chairmanships of various committes, despite the fact that he spit on the party's own processes, and even abandoned using the party's name. So Lieberman gets to have his cake and eat it, too.

Ergo, Lieberman is a giant douchebag.

There are rumors that Rumsfeld will step down today, and that Bush will nominate Lieberman as the new Secretary of Defense. If that happens, the Republican governor of Connecticut will be empowered to appoint a replacement to the Senate for the next 6 years. That would mean that regardless of the results of the Virginia and Montana Senate races, the Republicans would hold onto the Senate. So keep alert the next few days... Lieberman may soon be doubling-down his betrayal of the Democratic party.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Camera creates image from just one pixel

Another Scientific American article...

Researchers have created a single-pixel camera that can create mexapixel-sized images, using a clever mix of the way light patterns are captured combined with new mathemetical compression algorithms. Neat!

Protein gel staunches bleeding

This is a neat article on Scientific American:

Basically, researchers have found a proten gel that rapidly stops bleeding with no observable side effects. It doesn't create or enhance clotting, but instead seems to just block the flow like a hair clog in a drain. Imagine the applications... for emergency workers, soldiers on a battlefield, or just home use when you cut your finger slicing carrots.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

National Coming Out Day

Ah shit... I'm the worst gay man ever. Wednesday, October 11 was National Coming Out Day, and I didn't even know. =P

HRC and PFLAG have created a resource called "A Straight Guide to GLBT Americans." For all you breeders out there, check it out. I'm sure it'll provide some useful info for you. =)

MBA in Sustainable Management

Did I mention that I'm working on an MBA? And it's in Sustainable Management, no less! Yes, that's right, it's the Hippie's MBA! Yay! And yes, it's a real MBA... but they weave in the concepts of sustainability into every course. Most programs that broach the subject just add a single class, but meanwhile teach the same ol' way of doing business in all the others. The faculty are brilliant, and the students are incredibly diverse (all ages, all ethnicities, and backgrounds in Fortune 500s, start-ups, NGOs, small business).

Anyways... I'm doing the part-time program, but still working full-time. So far so good, though I'm starting to realize how precious my free time is. =P

You can read more about the program here: Presidio School of Management.

UCS: US Northeast will be totally hosed by climate change

OK, so I'm paraphrasing the summary of their findings, but the Union of Concerned Scientists (one of my favorite lobbying groups in all of time and space) just informed me of a recent study that found that the US Northeast will experience the following changes by century's end:
  • Northeast winters could warm by eight to 12 degrees Fahrenheit and summers by six to nearly 14 degrees.
  • The length of the region’s winter snow season could be cut in half.
  • The frequency of short-term droughts could increase significantly.
  • Sea-level could rise from eight inches to as much three feet.
  • Many Northeast cities can expect about 25 days per year over 100 degrees. (Currently, Northeast cities experience this type of heat only once or twice a year.)

Pretty awesome, huh? Sea-level rises of 3 feet... that would be pretty devestating to NYC, the Hamptons, Martha's Vineyard, etc... maybe the richies should get off their asses and try to fight climate change...!

Anyways, much much more detail can be found at the UCS-owned website

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

omfg, how do they still have a broadcasting license?!

From's War Room:

"During Bill O'Reilly's show Tuesday night, Fox News repeatedly ran video clips of Mark Foley over a caption identifying him as a Democrat."

That is... ridiculous. Foley is 100% Republican, and in fact has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for the party and for fellow candidates. How in god's name can Fox do that sh1t and not get penalized somehow?!?! Abuse of power ftl. >:(

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Now they're saying Foley was molested as a child

From a "breaking news" alert from CNN: "Former Rep. Mark Foley was molested as a teenager between the ages of 13 and 15 by a clergyman, his lawyer says."

OK, so now this seems like a pretty blatant attempt to gain sympathy for Foley. If it's true, I certainly sympathize for him. But that doesn't give him a free pass to commit the same crimes, does it?!

The great part of all of this (politically speaking) is that the GOP leadership has, as usual, gone out of its way to cover up the whole scandal. But unlike previous scandals (such as the Abramoff lobbying stuff), which are often difficult to follow due to the convoluted ethics involved and the he-said-she-said that the GOP is so good at distracting everyone with.... this Foley scandal is disturbingly easy to follow. A GOP Congressman was sexually harrassing minors *in the Capitol building* for at least three years, and no one did anything to stop it.

So the GOP has to find some way to explain why they let this continue for so long. They can't blame Democrats, because there's only one Democrat on the page board, and he was never notified about any of this. So it's 100% a Republican problem. And there are no good excuses. So in the end, the GOP is going to suffer for this, massively.

The Republicans let one of their own continue to sexually harrass children for months, if not years, in order to spare themselves political embarrassment.

There can be no clearer statement of what's happening here. And if all of the other scandals and incompetence weren't enough to tear down the GOP majority, then perhaps this one will. And how wonderfully poetic would it be for the GOP to be politically gutted by one of the very "family values" issues on which it so rabidly claims the moral high ground!!!

Rep Foley checks into alcohol rehab

So I assume you've all heard the story about Rep Foley from Florida, who has resigned from the US House of Representatives after being accused of making extremely inappropriate advances on 16-yo House pages, over the course of several years. If you haven't heard this, the story's on CNN here.

Apparently, after resigning he promptly checked himself into alcohol rehab.

Is it just me or did this strike any of you as a load of BS? As if by implying he's an alcoholic, that'll somehow soften or even dismiss his heinous actions?

I don't buy it.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Why politicians run negative ads

I heard something this morning on NPR's Forum that was verrrrrrry interesting. The guests were discussing political ads, and specifically why negative ads are effective. I've known for years (at least anecdotally) that they're effective, but I personally had always thought that the reason was because they convinced people to vote for the candidate attacking vs. the candidate being attacked.

It turns out that the reason is a bit more insidious. Negative attack ads are run because they actually *discourage* people from voting. The point is not to convince people that the attacker is a better candidate, it's to depress people from even showing up to support the guy who's being attacked.

Isn't that insane? More and more I think the US should mandate voting, and provide absentee ballots to anyone who wants them. If we had such a system, it would remove the apparent incentive to run negative ads, and maybe help raise the overall quality of political discourse. Yarrr.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Iraqi people back attacks on US troops

Well... this is disheartening. Apparently, a recent poll in Iraq shows that the Iraqi people support the withdrawal of US troops, and in fact support the existing *attacks* on US troops. From Yahoo! News (
  • "About 61 percent approved of the attacks — up from 47 percent in January."
  • "Almost four in five Iraqis say the U.S. military force in Iraq provokes more violence than it prevents."
  • "Three-fourths say they think the United States plans to keep military bases in Iraq permanently." <-- I'm in that 3/4.
Pretty awesome. If the people support the attacks, then there is NO WAY we can "win". The only way to fight a guerrila war (when you're the occupier) is to win the support of the people amongst which said guerillas are hiding. If the people are voluntarily providing support to the guerrilas... then the occupier is f*cked. The guerillas can hide anywhere and have an effectively limitless supply chain. No amount of money in the world can combat that.

But I'm sure Rummy and Bush will have some way to spin this. Can't wait to see how... it's always a lesson in Orwellian insanity when either of those 2 speak.

More Americans Left Uninsured

This is pulled from an internal Accenture memo from the Health & Life Sciences practice. I can't attribute it any more than that, so if anyone wants to challenge my posting of this, please do so. It's really just a regurgitation of stats which themselves aren't attributed. However, I trust that they're correct. And it's irritating that they are. :(


The ranks of Americans without medical coverage grew by 1.3 million people last year, the Census Bureau reported. The increase lifted the number of uninsured Americans to a record 46.6 million or 15.9 percent of the total population. By comparison, five years earlier, 38.7 million people were uninsured, or 14 percent of the population. It's increasingly a middle-class problem. In households with incomes of $50,000 a year or more, 17 million people had no insurance last year, up 1.5 million from 2004. In contrast, more low-income people received coverage from public programs.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

National Intelligence Estimate - Iraq's made us Less Safe

So... the latest NIE was classified by the Bush Administration. But recent leaks have shown that one of its conclusions was that the war in Iraq has actually strengthened global terrorism.

Uhhh.... durrrrr. You mean an unjustified war against a Muslim nation that's led to complete social chaos for tens of millions and has destabilized the entire Middle East has somehow caused people in the region to further radicalize?! omg! stop the presses!!!

Seriously... this is no shock to anyone who's been paying attention (naturally not you, Fox News watchers). People have been saying for years now that Iraq -- which had never had a significant terror cell operating within its borders before the invasion -- is now a primary training ground for thousands upon thousands of terrorists.

So the NIE contains no real suprises... the difference now is that it's Bush's own people saying this. So here's hoping this actually makes a difference in this fall's elections.

Northwestern Researchers Look for Gay Gene

This is interesting.... Some researchers at Northwestern University (yay Illinois!) are soliciting DNA from 1000 pairs of brothers where one of the 2 is gay. They're looking for evidence of a genetic root for homosexuality.

The Chicago Sun-Times has the full article here:,CST-NWS-gaygene26.article

What struck me the most was the supposition casually mentioned in the article that current thinking is that homosexuality is 40% genetic and 60% environmental. I've always wondered what the causes are (for obvious selfish reasons), but to be honest any answer is scary. Ultimately, if we can determine a cause... does that mean that we could determine a "cure"? And if there was a cure (setting aside the tangle of moral dilemmas entailed)... what would that mean for our society? At the least, the world would be a much less fabulous (and interesting) place. :(

Friday, September 22, 2006

Trading a feel-up for tech support

OK, this is just way too hilarious. I don't know how this guy could think that what he's asking would *not* seem creepy. How do you bring this up after you finishing fixing the PC?
"Well.... all done here... now, how about them boobs?" I mean, seriously. I think it's hilarious that he posted this, but I really can't imagine anyone seriously taking him up on it. Oh well... he gets a few pts for moxie.

Anyways, it was forwarded from a friend, and is now posted here:


I'll Fix Your Computer if You Let Me Feel Your Boobs - 26 (haight ashbury)

Cute/nice IT guy/PC specialist will fix your computer in exchange for a gentle feel of your boobs. I'm a totally non-creepy (really) professional who will repair your hard drive, back up files, install software and peripherals, whatever, for an innocent grope. I have a lot of tech knowledge in my life and regrettably no boobs. Serious inquiries only and thanks.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

RIP Ann Richards

Ann Richards died at home last night at the age of 73, after fighting esophageal cancer.

She was one of my personal political heroes... she was so outspoken and honest, and hearing her speak was both inspirational and fun. She was a staunch champion of women and minorities; she represented the best of what Democrats have to offer. She was also one of the first casualties of the lie- and destruction-based campaigning of Bush-Rove, when she lost the Texas governorship to Bush in 1994.

I had always hoped she'd make a political comeback in the future, perhaps as one of Texas' senators. But alas, that wasn't meant to be. :( I expect that she's looking down on us right now, trying to figure out how to make things better for America from up there in heaven.

We'll miss you, Ann.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Best online magazine ever!!

I mean... it's informative, well-written, and it's about burritos. No other online magazine can stand up to that holy trinity of literary goodness. Game over, man. Game over.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

omgz, is it Friday yet?!

Bush goes bush-crazy, normal-sane

Well, who knew. According to the 2 "breaking news" alerts in my inbox from CNN...

"-- ABC News: President Bush to announce that detainees held at secret CIA prisons, including alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, will be transferred to the Department of Defense and granted protection under the Geneva Conventions."

"-- President Bush today acknowledged that U.S. authorities have held suspected terrorists in secret CIA prisons around the world and said information obtained from them "has saved innocent lives.""

Wow... what's the world coming to?!?! You'd almost think he and his party's poll numbers were in the toilet, and there was an election in 2 months!!

Thursday, August 17, 2006

My new favorite Federal Judge!

Yay! A federal court today declared Bush's warrentless wiretapping program unconstitutional. To quote her, she said the program "has undisputedly been implemented without regard to [the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act] ... and obviously in violation of the Fourth Amendment."

Further, she herself quoted the late Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Earl Warren by saying, "Implicit in the term 'national defense' is the notion of defending those values and ideas which set this nation apart ... It would indeed be ironic if, in the name of national defense, we would sanction the subversion of ... those liberties ... which make the defense of the nation worthwhile."


[Thanks again to's War Room!]

Politics - K Street Slowly Shifting Towards Dems

I think there's a saying about cockroaches... something about how if you see them all running in a certain direction, you'd better follow cause it's likely a disaster's about to happen. I just read an article on's War Room that reminds me of this.

Basically, K street lobbying firms are starting to hire more well-connected Democrats. Not only that, but many Republican staffers are starting to look for moves to lobbying jobs, themselves. These moves are a good indication that Washington's expecting a shift of power from the GOP to the Dems.

Where go the cockroaches.... so goes the election....?

Friday, August 11, 2006

Friday, August 04, 2006

Wisconsin's the most average state! Yay!

So in case you hadn't heard, CNN's reported that Wisconsin is the most average state in the Union. Basically, using a set of 12 key statistics (housing costs, education level, etc), Wisconsin site right smack in the center of the 50 states, and thus can be thought of as the most average state in the country. That's pretty interesting.... especially to this former Wisconsinite.

Furthermore,'s reporting that Wisconsin is encountering dueling wedge issues this fall. The GOP is trying to draw out conservatives to vote in November by using an anti-gay-marriage amendment. The wording is apparently backfiring on them, since it's also anti-civil-union, and anti-domestic-partner, etc. Not only that, but the issue of funding stem cell research seems to be drawing out more people on the left than the gay marriage thing is drawing on the right. So it looks like the Dems have a culture battle they're inherently stronger at... good news for November...!

And if the most-average-state thing is true, then perhaps that means that the US in general is sick of the gay marriage distractions, and is ready to focus on issues that actually have a meaning... like stem cell research.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Politics -- Blunt Determined to Destroy the World

Still looking for reasons to vote against the GOP this fall? Try this one, from


Blunt vows a freeze on global warming fight

As much of the country continued to fry under triple-digit temperatures Wednesday, including citizens of the Midwest, one prominent Missourian dropped some icy attitude on the issue of global warming. Citing the publication Energy and Environment Daily, Judd Legum of Think Progress shares the bright news that House Majority Whip Roy Blunt has vowed to put a stop to any action on global warming for the entire 110th Congress if Republicans remain in control after the November elections. “I think the information is not adequate yet for us to do anything meaningful,” Blunt said. Legum reminds him that "thousands of scientists have agreed that global warming is real, humans are responsible for much of it and, unless steps are taken to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there will be extremely serious consequences."
-- Mark Follman

Monday, July 31, 2006

Tech Support, plz

OK... I dunno why my right "floating" panel is moored at the bottom of this page. If anyone knows how to correct this in the html, I'll buy you a unicorn.

<3 Heather Havrilesky

Ok... *this* is why Heather Havrilesky is my most favoritest TV critic ever. I mean... not that I read any others... but she's just so clever and insightful and... *right*.

Full article is here:


"July 30, 2006 July is almost over, and once again I don't feel as if I've fully exploited its July-ness the way I should've. Isn't July supposed to be filled with fireworks and picnics and watermelon and trips to the beach? Shouldn't everyone be tanned and well rested, with a frozen daiquiri or a chilled glass of sangria with a delightful fruit garnish in their hands at all times? I always have the feeling during July that there should be cookouts to attend constantly, and not the kind with messy bean salads and plates of burned sausages and bags of crumbly Doritos, either. No, we're talking festive, camera-ready cookouts, where everyone is wearing shades of dark red and purple that look good together, like in the pages of Martha Stewart Living, and the intelligent-looking yet stylish hosts serve huge, colorful fruit salads and big platters of beef, cooked to medium-rare perfection. All of the children are adorable but never shriek or pull the dog's ears, and at night there are sparklers and martinis and tiki torches and maybe a live violin quartet or a jazz band. People tell great jokes, no one talks about their dumb jobs, and there are no bugs, anywhere.

In other words, ideally, July is a cross between a Nestea plunge commercial and a spread in the summer issue of the Pottery Barn catalog. Sadly, though, that kind of art-directed July remains limited to magazines, fluffy summer TV shows and calendar photography, because the fact is -- and this is the part you forget when you're daydreaming about July in the middle of some particularly shivery, dreary day in January -- July is very, very hot. July is hot enough that no one has the energy to shower or comb their hair or even speak, let alone assemble delightful fruit garnishes. All anyone really does is slump on the couch in their underwear, sweating buckets.

Maybe in New England, in some small Norman Rockwell-style town, they achieve the sorts of idyllic July days that the rest of us dream about while we're tossing and turning at night, soaking the sheets. Maybe while we plant ourselves in front of the one, tiny air-conditioning unit in the house and refuse to budge, those adorable folks up in Maine are pickling beets and attending quaint little small-town parades. While the rest of us are driving to a crappy mall just to get out of the heat, those assholes are playing croquet while sampling a fresh batch of prosciutto-and-melon skewers.

But July is almost over, which is a big relief, since the month of August is clearly meant to be spent slumping on the couch in your underwear, sweating buckets. See, I imagine that I love the overachieving months the best, but really, I prefer the months with the lowest expectations attached to them: rainy February, sullen November, and soiled, stanky August. "

Friday, July 28, 2006

My korfball team can beat up your korfball team

I recently got an internal memo from my corporate overlords at Accenture in which they shared neat things various employees around the world are doing. The one that caught my eye was the story about this consultant who's competing in the 2006 European Championships as a member of Hungary’s national korfball team.

Korfball.... wth?!!??!

Science -- Liquid Lakes Found on Titan

This appeals to the Planetary Scientist in me (ah, the days of wine and exogeology).

Basically, Cassini (the probe sent to Saturn many years back) has snapped pictures of Titan's surface, which show strong evidence of current liquid lakes on the surface. Titan is interesting because it's the only other terrestrial body in the solar system with an atmosphere as substantial as Earth's. The drawback is that Titan is incredibly cold, and the atmosphere (and lakes) are nearly entirely hydrocarbons. To quote from the CNN article below, "Scientists believe methane gas breaks up in Titan's atmosphere and forms smog clouds that rain methane down to the surface." [I think they may have meant ethane gas breaks up to form methane.]

So effectively, Titan is covered in lakes of ethane and methane, under a blanketing atmosphere of the very same. Fun stuff. Oh, by the way... uou may know ethane by another name... vodka. =P

Anyways, here's the article:

Hamster Wheel == Hilarious

Ok, this is total fluff. But it's so cute I have to share.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Politics - How to *really* preserve marriage!

zomg... I have a new favorite Congressman: Democratic Rep. Lincoln Davis. You know how the right wing is always saying that gay marriage is a threat to the sanctity of marriage, and therefore must be crushed beneath their collective jackboots? Well, in answer to the recent defeat of their a$$hole anti-gay-marriage constitutional amendment, Lincoln Davis stood up and suggested that it didn't go far enough.

Basically, he said... fine, you want to preserve marriage? Then outlaw divorce, and make adultery a felony. And beyond that, "We should prevent those who commit adultery or get a divorce from running for office. Mr. Speaker, this House must lead by example. If we want those watching on C-SPAN to actually believe that we're serious about protecting marriage, then we should go after the other major threats to the institution."

He wasn't really being serious, I don't think, but was instead calling out the GOP and challenging them to seriously tackle this "problem". I've been thinking/saying/ranting the same sort of thing for a while, and I am so stoked that an elected representative stood on the floor of the US House and obliquely ripped the right wing a new one. =P

Anyways, we can thank War Room for this article, too. See the original here.

Gaming - FFII turns 15!

So... Final Fantasy II (actually FFIV in Japan) recently turned 15. That game rocked... by the end of it, your characters went all the way to the moon on their giant Blue Whale. <3. I remember my friend Carl and I would rent it (it was on the old school NES), and we'd stay up all night trying to beat it during sleepovers at his place (this was like, 8th grade?). I think our record was 12 hrs... go us!

Anyways... here's a link to a Slashdot article, which in turn links to a lovely tribute blog entry.

Yay for Squaresoft!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Rahm Emanuel pwns the Bushies

Pulled from's War Room (my favorite political blog), this post is centered around a truly pwntastic quote of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman Rahm Emanuel:


The people we pay

We've always wondered why taxpayers pay -- and $162,500 a year, no less -- for a president to have a political advisor. As John Aravosis reports at AMERICAblog, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee chairman Rahm Emanuel has apparently checked out the new list of White House salaries and has some other questions to ponder:

"Why are we paying over $100,000 for a 'White House Director of Lessons Learned'? Maybe I can save the taxpayers $100,000 by running through a few of the lessons this White House should have learned by now.

"Lesson 1: When the Army Chief of Staff and the Secretary of State say you are going to war without enough troops, you're going to war without enough troops.

"Lesson 2: When $8.8 billion of reconstruction funding disappears from Iraq, and $2 billion disappears from Katrina relief, it's time to demand a little accountability.

"Lesson 3: When you've 'turned the corner' in Iraq more times than Danica Patrick at the Indy 500, it means you are going in circles.

"Lesson 4: When the national weather service tells you a Category 5 hurricane is heading for New Orleans, a Category 5 hurricane is heading to New Orleans.

"I would also ask the president why we're paying for two 'Ethics Advisors' and a 'Director of Fact Checking.' They must be the only people in Washington who get more vacation time than the president. Maybe the White House could consolidate these positions into a Director of Irony."

-- Tim Grieve

Zidane flash game: Head-butt the Italians!

This is a fun and timely flash game, wherein you play Zidane and headbutt Italians in the sternum as they move across the field. :P

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

MMORPG game foments anti-Japanese riots

This is a really interesting story about an online role-playing game in China, where players recently [virtually] rioted after finding a [virtual] rising sun on the wall of a [virtual] government office. As a result of the [virtual] riot, the leader of a 700-person guild was [virtually] jailed in the [virtual] Great Tang Permanent Incarceration Prison.

Of course, that guild leader's name was "Kill the Little Japs," and his guild was called "The Alliance to Resist Japan." So as's Andrew Leonard points out, "One suddenly feels a little less sympathy, notwithstanding the horrors of the Nanjing massacre and the brutal Japanese occupation of mainland China more than six decades ago."

Anyways, here's a picture of the early stages of the riot, followed by the late stages. Pretty fascinating stuff...!!

Dell Laptop Explodes

omg... this is awesome. At a conference in Japan, someone's Dell just exploded out of nowhere. I wonder if he was secretly the target of a CIA-sponsored assassination plot...?!

Friday, June 30, 2006

Inaugural Posts

Woo-hoo! So for all my friends who are used to getting my crazy forwards, your days of auto-deleting my e-mails are over. Now you can just come here and peruse the ravings of my particular brand of madness at your leisure. Hey.... I am to please! =)

Anyways... off to the internet to find something fun to post. Good times!