Thursday, May 17, 2007

Master Cleanse: CNN weighs in

So CNN published this online article about the Master Cleanse, and it was largely critical. For example, they say "you never want to be too far from a toilet", which is true if you're doing the saltwater flush, but not true otherwise. And the saltwater flush only causes issues for like an hour.

Also, I'm not sure that I agree with the argument that any weight you lose you'll gain right back. That didn't happen to me. I probably lost 5-10 lbs, but I definitely changed my eating habits due to the fast. For example, I eat like 3-5 servings of raw veggies every day now as a snack, and get even more than that in my other food. I've also been snacking on a mix of plain yogurt, maple syrup, and grape nuts. And I've taken to eating lots of hard-boiled eggs. I guess my point is that the fast triggered me to take [more] control of my diet, and as a result I've been much healthier.

I still plan to do the Cleanse every 6 months or so. CNN didn't refute the MC's claims that it helps rest and reset the digestive system (which I experienced). Nor does it refute the skin-cleansing aspect (which I also experienced, and am still pretty zit-free from). And they don't even discuss the empowerment you gain from fasting, which is pretty substantial. Nor do they talk about how it changes your relationship to food; once you realize that you can survive 10+ days without it, suddenly an afternoon hunger seems almost quaint.

And lastly, there's something innately sustainable about regular fasting. Could you imagine if the entire US fasted 30 days a year? That'd reduce our food consumption by almost 10%...! Which would reduce the energy used for production and transportation, not to mention the reductions in water use and fertilizer, etc etc etc. Not that the whole US would ever do it... but hey, if we each do our part... eventually it all adds up, right? Right? =D

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