Thursday, May 17, 2007

Wolfowitz to Resign

So Paul Wolfowitz is apparently going to resign at the end of June, according to a written statement released by the World Bank board of directors. He's basically in disgrace over the fact that he got his girlfriend a cushy job at the US State Dept making $180k/year, which incidentally is more than the Secretary of State makes.

What I want to know is... why the fuck do these people always get to resign?! He's basically lost the confidence of the World Bank board, and of most of the world itself. He also happens to be one of the chief architects of the debacle in Iraq, which on its own should be enough to guarantee that he never works again. And yet, for jackasses like Wolfowitz... for guys like him, who are part of that upper echelon of power mongers in this world... they never really get held accountable for the shit they do. They can be indirectly responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of people, or even directly responsible for corruption... but they are never, ever fired.

Yeah, this is Bush's administration, which is notorious for supporting incomptence... remember the head of FEMA during Katrina, Michael Brown? Or Donald Rumsfeld 6 months ago. Or Alberto Gonzales now. Or the heads of the EPA, the Dept of Fish and Wildlife, NIH... the list goes on and on and on. Most you haven't heard about, unless you've been following the watchdog press (note: that's not Fox, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, or MSNBC... try, or the Nation, or most center or left-wing political bloggers).

The most annoying thing for me is that these jerks just end up with cushy consulting gigs that pay hundreds of thousands. No consequences... just more rewards. One day, I'd like for one of these assholes to get fired so hard and so fast his head spins round 360 degrees. I'd like him to be ostracized by the Washington crowd. And I'd like for him to walk away with such a taboo on his head that he never works again, except maybe at a minimum wage job at Wal-Mart. No 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th chances... no easy money on K street... no more golf clubs or international 1st class travel or giant mansions. Just $6/hour and the comfort knowing that he's where he is because he earned it. Now *that* would be justice.

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