Thursday, June 14, 2007

CEBToD: Day 2 -- Girona to Llanca

OK. So today (and by today I mean 3 days ago) we got our start in beautiful Girona. Our goal was to head east to the coast, to the small town of Llanca, though with a brief stopover in Figueres for lunch. Total ride ended up being 42 miles, though that doesn't count ups and downs.

Overall the day was pretty straightforward. Lots of hills to climb and fly down. Dan got a flat in his rear tire... did I mention we only have a hand pump, so we can't get our PSI higher than like 60, even though the tubes should be at like 110. So we're a bit prone to flats... esp flying downhill at 30 mph (which still freaks me out given that's how I broke my collarbone; I try to go slower but with the extra weight in the panniers that makes it tough).

Highlights of the trip include a crashed beer truck (beer all over the road!), a motorcycle wipe-out (the woman looked more or less ok, tho definitely needed to be seen at a hospital), and hail and rain. Oh yeah, and a plethora of lot lizards (hookers). They were all young, tan, hot, and hanging out in random rural locations on the side of the road. And they were all wearing white. Looking back, I wish I'd gotten my picture with one. Had I paid one, it would probably have been the cleanest 5 euros she'd earn that day.

Lunch in Figueres was alright... I had sangria and the patatas bravas were the best we've had on the trip. The town itself wasn't anything special. Leaving Figueres was when it started raining and hailing... that kinda sucked since we had hills to cross to Llanca. But it didn't last long, and it made the vistas look freaking gorgeous. Some day when I can find a USB port I'll upload the pics to prove it.

We got to Llanca in the late afternoon... not a very exciting town, by any means. We've decided it's a weekend resort town for the locals... which means Mondays are dead days. We found a random 3-star hotel to stay in, that had a very institutional look and feel to it. I'm talking 60s green tile kind of feel. In fact, it was borderline creepy, to the point that we dubbed it the death hostel, and blocked the door with the chair and bungeed shut the closet door in case that's how they were going to come in to murder us.

We grabbed dinner at this place right on the Med... the food was ok... we had the town's speciality of anchovies... I tried one and it was predictably nasty, tho Dan loved it. We also got a bunch of whole shrimp, which Dan taught me to dismember and eat. Blecccch. We then tried to find this Pirate bar we'd seen earlier (Llanca used to be plagued by pirates... what a world), but it was closed. :( So instead we hung out at the square in front of the cathedral and drank sangria and beer, and debated global politics, economic policy, and various erudite topics. I had a half liter of sangria that I swear was more brandy than wine. It was awesome, but I was so trashed at the end... I've got video of me trying to break into our death hostel room that fans of my drunkeness will love.

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