Thursday, June 07, 2007

Crazy European Bike Trip of Death: T-minus 1 day

Why oh why do I do this to myself. I have soooo much to do last minute, and it's all because I procrastinated on it for the last several months. Ok, sure, I was working 60 hr weeks on my last project, and yeah I was in school part-time then as well, and yeah I broke my collarbone 2 months ago... but still.

I'm not going to sleep tonight, I don't think. The good news is that my bike is boxed and I've got all my stuff purchased and laid out for my trip. So I can pretty much load up and head to the airport with 30 mins notice (though I need to stop at Jewel on the way to pick up toiletries and such). But between now and then I have like 40 deliverables due. Dear lord. Wish me luck. If anyone out there in reader-land can stop time, please do so on my behalf... and in a way that positively affects me. =D

Oh... I got new jeans tonight. Awesome stylish dark ones, like I've wanted for months. And I got them at REI. Why would REI sell jeans, you might ask? Good question! It turns out that they are MICROFIBER!!!!! No shit, microfiber jeans. Super comfortable and stylish to boot, and they wick away moisture exactly like denim doesn't. My lifelong quest to never wear macrofibers again is achieving fruition!!!!

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