Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Mmmm... bursty!

Is there anything so truly restorative after 10 hours of travel as a pint of chocolate ice cream and a bottle of beer? Well... yes, there is. Limeaid. Carrot cake. A massage. A good shag. Cuddling. Mexican hot chocolate. Fresh-baked cookies. I could go on.

But I won't. Instead, you may note that true to my own form, I'm totally on/off with the blogging. 2 weeks go by with nothing, and now I'm going to spam out like 10 posts that I wrote on the various planes I was on today, in between the roughly 75 e-mails I sent out (roughly half of which were work-related... see how productive I can be when provoked!).

Wheeee! Enjoy!

1 comment:

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