Thursday, June 19, 2008

Al Franken for Senator!

I love Al Franken. I love his books, I loved his show on Air America, and I love that he's running for Senate.

One of his campaign positions is that the US needs an "Apollo project" for renewable energy. He lays out a great case for it on his website. Clearly I'm predisposed to react well to that sort of message, but as he lays out on his page, it's win-win in a lot of different ways.

"It’s going to be a huge project, but it will pay off in so many ways:
  • We’ll dramatically improve our environment.
  • We’ll finally be taking steps to address global warming.
  • We’ll make our nation more secure and less dependent on an uncertain global fuel economy.
  • We’ll revitalize our manufacturing sector. The Ford plant in St. Paul that’s closing down should be making wind turbines, and we should be putting them up all over Minnesota.
  • We’ll create high-tech, high-paying jobs in conservation and R&D.

Renewable energy is win-win-win-win-win, and we should back it not only with our words, but with our resources. We should also invest in conservation – energy efficiency, light rail, and increased CAFE standards are all part of that."

Go Al!!!!

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