Tuesday, June 03, 2008

The Smearing of Scott McClellan's Smearing of George Bush's Smearing of US Political Integrity

I'm not sure how much of this y'all have been following... former Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan has written a memoir of his time in the White House. And he basically calls out a lot of the shit that the Bushies pulled around the run-up to the Iraq War. And, unsurprisingly, now the Bushies are hitting back and calling him all sorts of lovely names. For example, I believe Bob Dole may have called him a contemptible worm and tried choking him remotely a la Darth Vader.

And it's funny to me for a number of reasons. First, I suspect everything Scott is revealing is likely true (and I say that tepidly because I haven't read the book myself, so I can't be too adamant with my assertions). Second, the MSM (mainstream media... one of this decade's Republican boogeymen) has been breathlessly reporting McClellan's "revelations," though they are surely anything but. And third, the anti-McClellan smearing machine has been saying things like, "he should have complained when he was in his job, not after," despite the fact that all evidence points to the Bush White House being incredibly hostile to dissenting opinion.

Anyways, I'm rambling a bit, but in the end, despite being a bit of a weenie, Scott has taken a big risk writing the book he's written. And so I'm debating buying it to provide him a bit of support, and to see just how he slams Bush.

And as always, salon.com has some great pieces on this whole thing. First, one that introduces the situation. Second, one that summarizes the GOP smear machine's response to the book. And third, one that defends poor Scottie. Good times.

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