Monday, September 01, 2008

Brian Schweitzer on Obama's top priority post-inauguration

Brian Schweitzer is the governor of Montana, and was recently interviewed on regarding the election. He gave a really great answer to an interesting question... his philosophy is 100% in line with my own.

Q: "A lot of people are talking about, if Obama wins, should healthcare
come first or energy reform come first? I'm sure you have some thoughts
on this."

A: "Both. You can't pay for healthcare if we're sending a trillion dollars
a year to dictators. Bottom line is, we gotta stop hemorrhaging, and
the hemorrhaging is full-flung. Climate change, that is the long-term
economic hit to our economy. The short-term economic hit to our economy
is the largest transfer of wealth from one economy to another economy.
So, create a new energy system in America, and create an energy system
that's cleaner and greener and is designed by American engineers and
built by American workers. Once we get that right we can afford to
invest in healthcare and education."

I love that terminology of hemorrhaging. We are shipping so much money out of our country to pay for energy... you can see it in the construction in Dubai, among other places. If we generated all of our energy domestically, instead, that money would be pumped right back into our own economy, allowing us to build ourselves up in some amazing ways: universal healthcare and education, prison reform, mass transit, improved electrical infrastructure... so much possibility. And it all starts with re-sourcing our energy from foreign oil to domestic renewables...!

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