Monday, September 15, 2008

My Life

So... I haven't been giving any updates on my own life lately. I'm sure that as interesting as all my news regurgitation is, you probably would all like the occasional update on what the hell I'm doing with myself all day.

School's started up again... 2 more years left in my part-time MBA program. I'm still working full-time for The Man... though I'm debating if I need to start looking elsewhere for a change of pace. I've been here for 7.5 years. That's a long time. My salary could use a boost, which I would get if I jumped elsewhere. But with the insanity in the economy... that might not be so wise.

Next week I go to SE Asia for a month. Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Cambodia, and... wait for it... DUBAI. Yes, I know, Dubai's not in SE Asia. But when you're flying that far, what the hell's another quarter-circumference-of-the-planet. My friend Orion got a job there over the summer doing sustainability for a big-ass real estate developer... so I'm totally psyched to check out the city and get some inside tours of some of their crazy-ass construction! =D I'm going with Dan and the 2 Kellys... Dan is the guy I did my Crazy European Bike Trip of Death with, and the 3 of them are the ones I went to southern Africa with in Dec 2004.

So my month-long trip is sandwiched exactly between 2 school residencies. Before I leave, I have to get all of September and October's assignments done. And I've been trying, but I'm behind on that goal. It's bad news. I'm already taking off Friday to try to catch up, but I'm in school all wknd so it's likely I'm going to have an aneurism before Friday even gets here.

Oh, did I mention I talked to a real estate agent last night about buying? And that I need to fill out a mortgage app before I go? And that I'm talking to recruiters this week about a new job? And that I'm trying to buy a new digicam and HDTV this week? And that I'm planning a massive Election Day party before I go? And that I'm still working with a personal trainer and therapist despite all the other shit I've got on my plate? Yeah... I'm busy. I think I may not sleep at all this week. Like, at all.

Anyways... that's a snapshot of me right now.... no chance of dating till I'm back, of course. But that's fine. I've got my porn and my World of Warcraft... what more could a guy need!!

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