Monday, October 27, 2008

G's First Cavity

One other quick update.... I had my first cavity ever filled today. :( There goes my lifetime shutout against tooth decay. Dammit. It was in tooth second from the back in the upper left... the inside side had a little hole in it that they had to drill-n-fill. Though it turns out the decay went much deeper than they'd expected, and had even come up from the cracks in my crown to meet somewhere in a gooey rotten center.

So anyways, they gave me some Mariah Carey to listen to on an iPod, then anesthetized me locally, propped open my mouth with some sort of car jack, and drilled away. Now my teef are partially fake, and the texture just doesn't quite feel right to my tongut. :'( Alas.

Oh, but one cool thing was that as I ate ice cream shortly after the procedure, because the left half of my mouth was numb the ice cream seemed to taste warm on that side of my mouth. It actually freaked me out for a second because I was expecting to feel cold, but didn't, so my brain interpreted it as warm, and then my conscious mind started wondering if I'd left it out all day or left it partially in the sun or what, since ice cream shouldn't ever be that warm. There was a brief moment when I thought it had gone bad or something and I almost spit it out... but then I figured out what had happened. =D

Good times!

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