Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Rest of World is pissed at US Congress

Wow... I leave the country for a week, and the entire global financial system melts down! Ok ok, the meltdown's been in progress for over a year, and I did predict back in 2004 that shit would hit the fan from all those bad mortgages out there, but still, what's going on right now is nuts. I can't get to the intertubes often enough to keep up. It's driving me nuts!

But when I've been able to get on, I've been keeping up with salon. And Andrew Leonard (bless his heart) has posted a fantastic round-up of global criticism of the US Congress' inability to pass a bailout package (never mind the question of whether/if the bailout itself is the right idea).

So check this out for a great smattering of quotes from Brazil, India, Europe, China, and more... World to US: You Suck!

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