Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Weird Dreams: Rat-nibbling

Last night I had some weird-ass dreams. I dream a lot (almost nightly), and I'm thinking it might be interesting to share some of them, especially the more bizarre or profound ones. Let me know if you disagree and I'll stop. =D

So last night's dreams... there were a lot of them tied together, but since it's mid-afternoon when I'm writing this, I only remember the one at the end with any clarity. I do remember a random European in my dreams that I remember thinking reminded me of my friend JJ, except less attractive (both physically and interpersonally). =P But I don't remember the context of that random euro, sadly.

So the main dream I remember is that I was in some sort of huge mansion... and I mean HUGE. Like Versailles huge, or bigger. There was a rat that had personality, and sort of talked, but not in full sentences or conversationally. More just to communicate primary needs. And I decided he needed to get to the other end of the mansion, and I think I thought it was for his own good. So picked him up in my hands and started carrying him. Except that he hated that, and kept nibbling my hand the whole time to get me to drop him. But I couldn't drop him for his own good! I kept worrying he'd bite harder and I'd lose a finger or something, so I was hurrying... and by the end he did start biting pretty hard, and even drew a little blood. And so I ran on and when I got to the end, I just threw him in disgust in a bin in the center of some room (it was next to a pillar?) and stalked off to check my hand.

I was looking at my hand and it kept zooming in and zooming in and it looked a little saliva-y but there didn't seem to be a puncture wound, when I woke up. I'd slept through my alarm (dammit), but there was a moment where I was thinking, shit, that bin I dropped the rat in would be super-easy for him to climb out of, since it was like a milk crate sort of thing with that latticed plastic siding. And the bin was hanging like 2/5 off a little ledge so he could nibble through the bottom and drop to the floor. And that worried me mostly for his own safety, and for the fact that if he got away it would wipe out all the work I'd done to get him there.

So if I had to interpret this, I suspect that it's probably something about my dissatisfaction with my career or life path, and how i feel I'm forcing myself to stay on it even though viscerally I don't want to. So my core emotions/being are the rat, and my rational self is the me. But that seems a little to easy an interpretation... any thoughts from the peanut gallery?

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