Friday, January 05, 2007

I have the plague

OK, so I don't have the real-deal, killed-a-third-of-Europe plague. But I've been sick for a week now, and it barely seems to be abating. I've forgotten what it's like to live a normal, de-congested life. You norms out there have it so easy, with your dairy and your kleenex-free lifestyles.

Of course, I may have aggravated the illness a bit over the weekend... Lessee.
  1. Friday night my good friend Drew (college roommate) got married, so I was out pretty late that night. Sure, most of the evening was spent in discussion with my friend-dating-back-to-6th-grade Justin and his wife Sarah, but there was definitely a parade of boozes involved. Mmmmm, booze.
  2. Then I flew back to SF from Chi on an 8am flight... that was brutal. I didn't sleep at all on Friday night, due to the wedding followed by the packing followed by an acute fear I'd sleep through my flight. So my mom drives me to the airport early, with plenty of time to check in my bags... but a bus literally unloaded people right in front of me, swelling the check-in lines just long enough to keep me from reaching the kiosk until 7:16, one min after the 45 min baggage cut-off. So I end up on a 10am stand-by, sleeping on a bench for the hour or so in-between. I also got in a very slow-motion argument with a jerk-ass United gate attendant about whether I should take the shitty seat they gave me or roll the dice on a later flight. I ended up taking it, and the seat wasn't the back-row middle he claimed but was an aisle seat a good 20 rows from the back of the plane. He was such a bastard to me, too... couldn't he tell how exhausted I was from how slowly my words were forming? I hope his pension gets lost in arbitration. =P But anyways, I slept well on the plane, because I was determined to rest up in preparation for that night...

  3. ... which was, of course, New Year's Eve Eve. As this was our 2nd Annual NYEE, us Cali kids had plans to go out that night, be they malformed or not. We ended up going to Slide, which is underneath Ruby Skye. Jamie Foxx was there... we totally hung out. He's a good guy. Roger danced a lot. Kaylynn partied hearty. I bought champaign for 15 people to ring in the fake new year (we actually counted down at midnight, in the middle of a packed club). Leah macked on what looked to be a boy scout, then threw up most heartily. The Spaniards, who'd arrived earlier that evening, developed an acute case of vaginitis and stayed in, despite my promises to the boob-focused doorman that they'd be showing up later. We were out till 3 or 3:30, then stayed up talking till 5am, before 45 people passed out in varying piles around my apartment.

  4. Sunday was designed to be low-key, but by then the Spaniards had conquered their terrible wasting disease, and were ready to hit the clubs. If you'll recall, I was still sick at this point, so I figured I should stay in. Of course, Emilie and the Spaniards would have none of that. They administered 100 cc's of booze and my vaginitis cleared right up. Sadly, Kelly and Leah were beyond saving, as were Tiffany and Stefan. But Brook, Joe, Roger, Emilie, the Spaniards and I were all raring to go... We rang in the new year at my apt, then we all went out to 1015 at 1am. Still a $40 cover at that point. But we danced for a few hours before wandering over to Mel's at the Metreon for a late night feast. At that point, it literally felt like someone was raking daggers down my throat every time I swallowed, but I think it was all worth it.

So here I am, ~4 days later, and I'm still sick. I'm pretty sure I deserve it, which is why I felt so guilty about staying home on Tuesday. But now I'm back down in San Diego, it's 1am, and I'm not asleep. Think I'll be getting over it any time soon? Haha.

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