Friday, May 25, 2007

My Dad's going Vegan

I totally forgot to mention this... my dad's decided to try going vegan! It came as kind of a shock to me... I guess I figured that vegan was such an outsider diet that the only vegans I would know would be ones I'd met in SF. I suppose that was a rather silly bias for me of all people to have, huh.

My dad's doing it for health reasons, not necessarily moral ones... he wants to fight his diabetes, cholesterol, that sort of thing. It seems like a wise move... and a bold one. I'll be really interested to see how difficult it is to avoid animal products. Being a vegetarian is pretty easy... being a full vegan is a fair amount of work. As for me, I really don't think I could live a life without eggs and dairy... I mean seriously, no ice cream?! I'd rather die!!!!!!!!!!!!


kirby said...

woah. that is pretty bold. hopefully he is doing is research to make sure he gets everything he needs from his diet.

is he going directly from omnivorism to veganism?

Graeme said...

I think so... I haven't talked to him about it directly yet. So far it's only through the rumor mill that is my mom. I suppose I should follow up with her on it, huh. =P