Sunday, June 17, 2007

CEBToD: Day 7 -- Day trip to Aix

I'm going to keep this entry short, since i'm writing way to much detail that probly no one cares about but me, the francophones amongst you, and probly my mom. =D

Today we did a day trip over the mountains to Aix. Total distance was about 55 miles, and it was nearly all up and down. Pretty hardcore, but we didn't have our packs so it was pretty easy, I thought (though I was totally spent by the time we were done). I'll have to post the pix and vids, but we had bike paths for most of the journey... really nice, wide paths that were even a different color than the roads so they wouldn't be mistaken for a wide shoulder! Sooo nice.

Aix is fucking impossible to find. I swear they have some sort of telepathic cloaking device around it. No train, buses are crazy, and you can't find it by car or bike because you get turned in circles by the confusing road signs. Even when we finally found it, we couldn't figure out how to get downtown. We literally followed road signs in a 4-block circle before we gave up and struck out on our own.

The town (once we found it) was nice enough, but we were too bitter to really enjoy it. hehehe. We had pizza at a local chain, then started heading home, because Ben landed at the airport at 6:30 and it was already after 4, and we had 20+ miles to ride home, plus clean up, bus out to the airport (which is like 30 miles west of the city), and find Ben. Yeah, we didn't think we'd make it (and we didn't... oops).

The bike ride back was pretty fast... I was definitely brain-dead... dunno why, but probly just worn out from all the riding. I was worried I'd do something dumb like fall over from a stand-still again. =P We got to Marseilles fast, but Marseille's so freaking big that we were biking through it for like an hour before we got home. At least an hour, I think, and much of that downhill with few stops. We literally descended for like 30+ minutes at 20+ mph... it was fun, but nuts!

Ben ended up busing from the airport to the gare where we met him, after chaining up our bikes and getting cleaned up. We took him back and dropped off his stuff, then took him downtown and got delicious crepes for dinner. We met this awesome French family at the next table... they helped us order our dessert crepes (they got Dan one that was soaked in booze) and gave us all these ideas for what to do in the city. THey even offered to drive us around town on Sunday!!! We'll see if we do it.

Then we went back to the Irish pub and had some 6 euro beers before heading home to bed at 3am. We'd been carrying port in flasks with us all day, and by this point had been through like 2 full-on bottles (which cost 6 euros themselves), so by the end of the night we were LIT... esp Dan who'd had that booze-crepe, too. No crazy videos this time... I need to make sure next time we're drunk that I include that in our agenda. hehehe.


kirby said...

Agreed that Aix is impossible to find. I had a nervous breakdown in my rental car trying to go from the airport to the downtown area because I was sure I was going to have to sleep in my car. Of course, being jetlagged and realizing that I forgot my ATM card, had no cash, was only 23 years old, etc didn't help. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Don't kill too many brain cells all at once! When you get to be old like me you'll want all the brain cells you can get.