Thursday, February 01, 2007

Master Cleanse: Day 4

So... Weds night was officially my 4th full day of the Master Cleanse. I still feel just fine, though there are a few things worthy of note. First, I shat on Tues night, and again last night. Where's it coming from?! I haven't eaten since Sat! Last night was just a little amount, but Tuesday's was a healthy size. I guess that was all just backed up in the ol' colon... so it's likely a good sign that it's been jettisoned.

I'm still kinda hungry here and there... supposedly that goes away around day 3, but it hasn't yet. It's not an overpowering hunger, but if I wasn't fasting I'd want to go grab something to eat, like lunch. I kind of wonder if it's not just psychological though. The pangs were strongest when people were eating near me, like on Tues when I was with Kelly and Jake at a bar watching the Illini trounce (albeit crappily) Michigan State. And at lunch yesterday, and every time I see Emil and Vishal eating Taco Bell here at work. When I'm not around food I don't really think about it. So I think it might just be a habitual trigger or somesuch.

It's also really weird to me that everyone's going to grab food. Food is such a dominating influence in our lives (understandably so), and people really structure their time and expenditures around it. But I do have more free time and more money since I'm not eating... which is pretty sweet.

One other thing I've noticed the last day or 2 is how cold I've been. I've just felt cold all day... and my right hand specifically has been cold to the touch. I'm guessing the room I work in at the client site is a little on the chilly side, but still I'm colder than I should be. I'm guessing my body is trying to conserve energy by slowing itself down, which is slightly counterproductive to the whole point of the fast. This might be why they actually advocate exercise while fasting... exercise should help keep the core temperature up. I should probly sneak off from my desk and do some jumping jacks in an empty conference room or something. =P

I think I look a little leaner, but I'm not sure I'm not just imagining that. I'll ask Kelly tonight what she thinks. Though I surely must have burned a couple pounds of fat so far... otherwise I'd be dead, right? =P

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