Sunday, February 04, 2007

Master Cleanse: Day 7

OK, so yesterday (Saturday) was my 7th and last day of the Cleanse. I wanted to shoot for 10 days, but I have training next week in Chicago, so I won't have the flexibility with my diet at the training facility needed to keep this up. And since I need a couple days to come off the fast, I had to start doing that yesterday afternoon, exactly one week after I started the fast.

I think psychologically I needed to end the damn thing, too. Thursday night I was dreaming about food. I mean, big, elaborate, long dreams. Banquets, dinners out, breakfast.... everything. I just like eating soooo much. Hahahahah. So it was time.

Interestingly, I think my appetite was just starting to finally wane. It's not that I was really hungry too often... I just missed eating. But as I was walking around Safeway yesterday getting the de-fasting stuff, most things didn't appeal to me. But at the same time, things like seeing something called "Stormwind Muenster" in-game in World of Warcraft would make my mouth water. Hence why I think it was all psychological. I'll definitely have to give this another go this fall, and shoot for the 10-day mark.

There really weren't any other interesting things going on the last couple days of the fast. My tongue was really coated, which is supposed to be my body clearing toxins, but which I was sure was just a bacterial mat from the syrup in my lemonade. However, I really was drinking very little lemonade the last couple days. In the beginning, I wanted to drink more than the max of 12 glasses, even though I'd made it with 2 tbls per cup. By the end, I was making it with 1 tbls per cup but drank like 4-6 cups a day, and I just didn't really want any more. Not that it disgusted me... I just wasn't interested in it. So I think I could have done just water the last few days. Weirdness. Oh, but the mat on my tongue couldn't have been from the lemonade on Saturday, since I really had none... so maybe it was "toxins", after all.

Well, we'll see how my diet changes going forward... if I'm much better about eating (not that I was horrible before; no fast food except the very occasional Taco Bell, no meat except for fish and sometimes chicken; lots of fruit; etc), then maybe the next cleanse will move more quickly.

Overall, it's been a good experience... especially in the way it tests your self-discipline. I never once cheated... so I guess I passed the test. =D It's also really made me appreciate food... though we'll see how long that lasts. Hahaha.

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